
Monday, July 1, 2013

Today is the Last Day For Google Reader & Google Friend Connect!

You're probably aware that today is the last day for Google Reader & I really probably should have gotten this reminder post up sooner, but as you've likely noticed I've been too busy to spend much time here.  But that's going to change SOON!  (For reals this time).

There are several options, and you may have already found one that you like, but if not let me recommend Bloglovin' - it's super simple, and to transfer all the blogs you follow all you need to do is follow the instructions HERE: - with just a few clicks, you'll be all set!  I just did it myself - I know, procrastinate much?  Well, yes - you all know I procrastinate TONS.

So, now that you've transferred all the blogs you're following, you want to learn your way around Bloglovin'?  Well, to be honest I don't know my way around that well - but I found this awesome post on BlogHer that explains everything very well & even has pictures to illustrate the finer points!  So check it out:

I have a ton of plans I'm in the middle of, the largest of which is the desire to swatch my entire 2000+ bottle collection of nail polish.  I've got the nail swatch sticks to accomplish this, and a light box for taking better pictures ... now all I need is to get ORGANIZED, part of which is archiving a few years of pictures off of my PC so I have room for new pics!  & of course I could archive more if I get caught up around here =)  So wheels are turning, if not quite as swiftly as I'd like, but the important part is to get moving, even if I'm moving slow.

Thanks for reading


  1. Hey Colette, can you please add me your FB so that I can learn even more from you.. please

  2. 2000?! Wow. When I first starting following you, you had about 1092 polishes. What brand do you have more of? Zoya? I've gotten into Zoya because of you, I think. :-)

  3. Hi Colette, I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Love following you on Youtube, and I loved this blog when you were still posting! Hope you can get back to it when your life isn't so hectic. Congratulations :), Kelsie.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)