
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NOTD: Layla Jade Groove

Moving right along ... not quite as quickly as I'd like, but quicker than I've managed recently LOL so I guess I shouldn't complain.  Another holo - apparently I was on a kick - this one is actually a very light green but it's hard to tell in most of the lighting, you just see the holo effect.  This is Jade Groove:

And here's a look at it in motion:

I'm not only enjoying editing my old manicure pics - I'm enjoying all the pics I'm finding while digging through them =)  Here's a bonus pic of Dude looking very alert & serious:

Thanks for reading.



  1. OMG Love.... Dude! hehehe Fabulous bonus. Jade Groove is awesome, too. ;)

  2. I was hoping if you would like to follow each other on Google Friend Connect and other social sites.- Chic Out of Town

  3. Hi, you've just got The Very Inspiring Blogger Award from us, check out:

    BTW, Sunglasses At Night on black is amazing


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)