
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guest NOTD: Butter London Wallis

Just a quick post of Mom's nails - she wanted to wear Butter London  Wallis just about as soon as I bought it, and when I wore it (original post HERE) she was reminded, and finally got around to it a few months ago:

I am trying to "force" myself to post more than just on the weekends - not that posting is a chore, just that it can be tricky to fit it in.  So if I catch myself just sitting, during a commercial or something, I give myself a mental kick to go edit pictures or do something constructive =)  Not that there's anything wrong with  zoning out or relaxing but I have way too many little things that need catching up to waste time on a daily basis LOL

Thanks for reading.



  1. Pretty nails! I looove london butter!! It's a bit pricey so I found a website where i can order mini bottles at a lesser price! So excited!

  2. That looks great on her! Editing photos and writing sure is a pain at times!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Colette, lovely color. Kind of reminds me of MAC "Seriously Hip" which was LE. I was just wondering if you would answer a few newbie questions, how do you determine what base color to use while water marbling when working with more than 2 colors. Also, how do you avoid the base color (say you use white) from peeking through? You always make it look so effortless, thanks for any help!

  5. Hi Collete! I was wondering if you could do a My Chemical Romance themed water nail. If you do end up reading this comment, I dont care if it's a water marble or a regular nail art. You're GREAT at both. The MCR colors are red and black, but if you want to do a grey or silver too, then go ahead!!! Thanks so much!!!!

  6. since you like glitter nail polish I thought you might like these:

  7. OMG that's an amazing polish. I love that color to bits! By the way, I love your water marble tutorials, they rock. :-)

  8. That colour is so amazing! Did your mum paint them herself or did you give her a little helping hand? :)

  9. I love watching your tutorials on youtube, specially water marble and since i have my new blog about nails i can comment and read you also on the blog :) Really pretty colour !

  10. This is the second time I have absolutely fallen in love with london butter polish. These nails look like real gold!

    How much is that polish?


    Jocelyn (Nail Artist @ Polishpedia)

  11. Very nice! I love watching your videos on YouTube

  12. I know you get about a thousand of these a day, but I couldn't resist nominating you for the 'Por Tu Naturalidad' blog award, since one of the things I love best about your blog is how your kind spirit always shines through. Thanks for having such a great blog!

  13. Lovely colour!!!



  14. All right! I wasn't going to say anything but we're almost at a month now and i've been checking almost everyday for a new blog post!! Come back Colette or you'll force me to write a new message on every single yt vid ; ) lol

  15. Great blog! I really like it. This colour is my favourite ;)

  16. I wish I could own at least one bottle of Butter London!

    Btw, the colour, I think looks great on you:)

    Pick Your Own Charm Bracelet


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)