
Monday, May 7, 2012

Frisky Update

So, I've been posting periodic updates on my Facebook page, but I decided to post this one here because I know not everyone follows the fan page.  

To try & summarize - a few weeks ago Frisky got quite sick and after taking her to the vet for what appeared to be a bladder infection the blood tests that we did found extremely elevated liver enzymes.  She's always been small but had gone down from 5.9 to only 4.6 lbs. because her body is basically not absorbing calories properly.  She was very lethargic & refusing to eat, dehydrated even though she was drinking a lot - we honestly weren't sure if she would last the weekend.  She got an antibiotic shot at the vet as well as fluids for the dehydration & we took her home.

She got a bit better, then a bit worse, back & forth for a few days, before starting a steady upward trend.  By the next weekend we'd realized she wasn't leaving us quite yet & decided to start the long-term supplement the vet recommended for her liver.  She is HELL to pill, I feel so bad but she forgives me right away - she doesn't run off once I'm done almost like she knows I'm trying to help.

She's still very picky what she will eat, flat out refused the special diet that the vet initially sent home, so we are experimenting to see what she A - will eat & B - can eat without throwing up while C - trying not to give her too much protein in consideration of her liver condition.

This past weekend she started having trouble again, roaming the house from cat pan to cat pan but not really doing much but sitting in them.  She was dehydrated again & this seemed to constipate her, plus there was a little bit of blood clot in her urine which showed the bladder infection wasn't quite gone.  Saturday morning was another trip to the vet, another round of antibiotics & some more fluid - & mom learned how to give the fluid at home to keep her hydrated.  Mom is awesome by the way - I'm not quite sure I could do it, even for Frisky.

Today was the first time we gave her fluid here instead of at the vet.  It was actually not traumatic, although it's handy to have more than one person.  One to handle the needle & the injection site, one to help hold her & manage the fluid bag.  Frisky sat still & polite through the several minutes it took for her little transfusion.

At over 20 human years old they said she is about 100 in cat years - and at an age that less than 1% of cats live to reach.  I really like our vet, they didn't even charge for the most recent office visit, just for the supplies - I think they were glad to see her still around too & probably a bit curious as well.  We got a pill-popper to save my fingers being bitten as well as the fluid which is good for 10 "doses."

Anyway, all that to say, the outlook right now is actually pretty good.  With the supplement to help with her nutrition & giving her fluid subcutaneously a couple times a week to combat the dehydration, who knows how much longer she'll stick around =)  She's sleeping on her blanket in the chair behind me right now, something like this:

I am still doing my nails as I have time, & I actually have still been doing some vids even with all this going on, but something about editing pictures is just not that inviting to me lately & I apologize I haven't done the catching up I keep talking about.  When it comes it will be like an avalanche or a tsunami of NOTD pics LOL.  

So stay tuned, thanks for sticking with me - and as always, thanks for reading.



  1. I just loss one of my kitty fur babies so I understand the love we feel for our babies. I pray everything works out...

  2. Thanks for the update on Frisky...Nails should be the least of your concern when one of your babies is sick. Hang in there...Put your baby first, we understand. I am thinking of you. I have my baby on my lap as i write this.

  3. It's always hard When a family member gets sick. As for your NOTD vids... They are some of my favorites!

  4. awww I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Frisky is very lucky to have such a loving and caring owner like you. Dealing with illness is very tough especially when it involves our fur babies! I'm happy she is doing better but don't forget to take care of yourself during these ups and downs! much love to you and your family!

  5. Wow, over 20 years? That is a testament to the care you've given her and still give her. We do whatever we can for our babies, don't we? Give her lots of love and we'll still be here when she's good and healthy again.

  6. I'm so glad Frisky is doing better. It's scary when our furry children start getting old... Hopefully with all you're doing she'll hang in a bit longer.

  7. Sometimes my kid says I love my animals more than him. Unconditional love, purrs and kisses, those big round eyes, whats not to love? Its always hard when they get sick but man 20 years is awesome! I hope she recovers from this set back and give her a favorite kitty treat for me!

  8. Aw Frisky is so brave. She is definitely in good hands. Wishing you two all the best!

  9. Oh, what a sweetie! I had a kitty with renal failure; we were giving him fluids daily near the end.
    Do you have a heating pad for her? We got him a thermo-kitty mat (it doesn't get above kitty body temperature), and it seemed to make him happy.
    You're in my thoughts!

  10. Frisky is in great hands and I think she knows it how good shes taking everything in. My thoughts are with you and Frisky for a healthy recovery.

  11. Ow that is so sad! I hope she hangs in there and gets better! XOXO

  12. I hope Frisky continues to improve. She's in my thoughts <3

  13. I'm hope your kitty gets better, i know how hard it can be when your kitty isnt feeling well

  14. Frisky is a lucky cat and you and your mom are the sweetest. I wish you all well.

  15. Thanks for the update. It sounds like you are taking very good care of her.

  16. Frisky is a lovely kitty! You are a great owner giving her so much care and attention. My cat had a similar issue and it's very scary. I hope she recuperates!

  17. Oh, I feel so sad. I had to give my three cats some hugs to show them I love them (one of them tried to get away lol). I hope Frisky is okay x

  18. Colette, you and Frisky are in my prayers. We lost one of our fur babies last year to cancer, and our new puppy has kidney problems. So I am there with you on the taking care of, and not wanting to see them in any pain whatsoever. Take care of Frisky and yourself. We will all be here when you can or want to. Don't you worry...just give Frisky a snuggle for me!

  19. Gorgeous cat! I wish kitties didn't have to get old <3

  20. Big big hugs to you and your furbaby :)

  21. OMG how beautiful old lady she is, just awesome turtle-coloured girl.
    Lots of hugs for you, Colette. You all are in my mind daily. It's really hard to stay strong when your heart is crying, and still you have to do that for her. She surely knows that you love her, you have to remember that always.
    I had to say goodbye to my little gal year ago, and I still think of her every day. Gladly she's visiting me in my dreams every now and then.

  22. One of my darling cats has a similar problem. Requires two pills daily. I didnt get on with the pill popper gadget. By trial and error i've found wraping the pill in a small piece of smoked mackerel she wolfs it down, hardly touches most other food. Worth a try maybe?

  23. So sorry to hear about Frisky. You are an amazing woman in so many ways. Best wishes for both you and Frisky.

  24. I'm glad to hear Frisky is hanging in there. My pets are my closest companions (sorry hubby!) and they are my children. I wish you all the best and will keep praying for you both.

  25. Thanks for the update and I wish you, your Mom, and Frisky well! Frisky is a beautiful kitty!

  26. Dear Colette, i have to say - i feel so much with and for you and Frisky! I have two cats as well and i can imagine how much it touches you if your little darling feels bad... I'm really sad about how sick your little furry treasure is and i wish you only the best, i'm absolutley sure that she gets the best from you - all the care and love - and i wish you and your little ladycat all the best, thinking off you, i hope she feels well pretty soon.. love from slovakia, xoxo.. Babs

  27. Frisky is a beautiful cat and you and your mom are doing a great job of caring for him! I hope he improves soon and in the meantime your fans will be here :)

  28. My cat Celeste has renal failure. Last October, the vet thought she only had a couple of weeks left. I started giving her subcataneous fluids two times per day plus meds 5 times per day. The good news is: she's still with us! Now she only needs subQ fluids once per day and meds once per day. She's quite content and enjoying life! I hope Frisky fares as well.

  29. This is so terrible, I just couldn't come up with any words that would be comforting to post. I've really enjoyed seeing Frisky on your blog and on her video, I'm so sorry to hear what she (and her family) are going through! I hope she makes a full recovery.

  30. I hope that you little friend will get well soon! It is so horrible when animals are sick, you want to help them to heal faster but it is not always working. Good luck!


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