
Saturday, March 17, 2012

NOTD: The Evolution of Ulta Chocolate Kiss

We've been having ridiculously nice & unseasonably warm weather here - the high today was 79!  In March - in Minnesota!  Not normal but you won't see me complaining =)  So that's just one of my excuses why I haven't gotten more done lately LOL.

Still catching up, still back in January's manicures.  This one started out with Ulta Salon Formula Chocolate Kiss:

After a day I added Finger Paints Twisted - a multi-colored flakie:

But I wasn't satisfied with that, so I topped it with China Glaze Matte Magic:

Here's a look in motion:

I should be able to get a few more posts edited tonight ... I really should stop putting off my taxes, but if I can't make myself sit down & do them I'll be posting tomorrow too =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. I think I pretty much love matte finishes & I think that Twisted is an AWESOME flaky polish.

  2. Putting the China Glaze Matte Magic on my to-buy list for sure. I just bought a bunch of Manglaze polishes for their matte finish, and now I'm wondering if I could have just used China Glaze on my existing polishes. Damn. Also I love that Ulta color, so rich!

  3. ooo i love this!! im going to ulta in a few, i have to go grab this!!

  4. I love your blog and tutorials. I have a question about Fingerpaints flakies. I tried to use this over a base color and I found that it took forever to dry. Do you have any recommendations about getting this to set quicker? Or am I just too impatient? Thanks!
    Kim M.

  5. KAM - I usually just use Seche Vite & that dries even the most stubborn polish =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)