
Monday, January 16, 2012

NOTD: Sephora Opalescent Blasted

I think I included this in my Pre-Christmas haul video, but forgot to include a bottle pic.  My friend Sam got it for me for Christmas, along with some loose glitter.  I used Finger Paints Black Expressionism for the base, and although I wish I'd done a little thicker coat to get thicker cracks from the Opalescent Blasted, overall I really liked the effect & I think it would be gorgeous over other dark colors too:

It looked a lot different with & without topcoat, but topcoat definitely brings out the shimmer:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. Ohhhh This is cute! I really like it :)

  2. Looks amazing with the top coat!

  3. I don't know if it's just on the photos, but If I hadn't read what you wrote - I would have thought it was the warm purple crackle China Glaze Haute Metal :)

  4. OMG OMG OMG...a sheer crackle....I LOVE this! I'm definitely gonna have to track this one down!

  5. I love it! Different from all of other crackles. Perfect base color too! Gorgeous! :)

    Check me out:

  6. This is very different... I like it alot!!

  7. your nails are so pretty <3 it seems that every color fits your skin tone well! or you just choose good colors... lol!


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