
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Meet Frisky =)

Well, I think most of you have already met her on the blog, but I've been getting a lot of requests on YouTube.  I'm telling you, that evil little inclination to name this vid something naughty - I'll let you use your own imaginations - was strong, but I kept it G-rated:
Maybe Dude will get a vid next =)  Thanks for reading.



  1. She looks really great for 20! She is lovely. Catnip is the best entertainment. For me anyway. Thanks for sharing her.

  2. LOL adorable! my cats go nuts with catnip too, it's awesome entertainment

  3. Tanks for showing us Frisky, she is an adorable old and still very girly lady.
    Two years ago the last of our old cats died, so now we have two rescue cats, that are two and three years old.
    I'm so happy to hear you speak against de-clawing, luckily it's not legal here in Denmark, and has not been as long as I can remember :)

  4. What a cute cat! I'm also glad to hear your view on declawing. I only learned about it a year or so ago. I was baffled at the idea, how could anyone do that to their cat and think it's okay? It's really cruel and I don't see how you could love your cat and do that to them!
    I lost my cat that we had for 17 years last summer. We never had any catnip but she went a little bit crazy if she got some olives :D

  5. Frisky is so adorable! I would LOVE to see a video of Dude next! He is so cute too!

  6. Lovely! :D
    Have to get some catnip to my cat =D


  7. 20 years old :O can't believe it. She's lovely. I have a cat also, Baloo. They're just great, so much personality. =)

  8. So cute! My cat's 15, and I hope she's doing as well as Frisky when she's 20. Thank you for sharing this!

  9. Frisky is so sweet and cuddly. I love the extra toes. My cats beat each other up with cat nip.

  10. Aww, she is soooo cute! I'm in love. <3
    But... 20? O.ô Can't believe that, she's so vivid (I would imagine that such an old cat would be only sleeping and move pretty slowly - but I don't really know, my beloved kitty died at the age of 1.5, she was my first (and only up to now) cat, so I don't have that much "cat-experience").
    Wishing her to stay that healthy and fit for the next years (maybe she's a methuselah^^)!

  11. Awwww... She looks like my cat, except my cat is little fat from being younger and eating whenever she wants. I totally agree with the declawing. When I took her to get spayed they clipped her nails w/o my permission! I asked why and they said it was bc the cat kept scratching the vet!!!! WTH???!!!

  12. I knew there was a reason I thought you were cool, you love nail polish AND animals! :) She is adorable. And you are clearly an awesome pet momma. :)


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