
Saturday, September 3, 2011

NOTD: Savina Money Tree + 2012 Crucify

I used this combination for one of my swatches, and I liked it so well that I decided to do a full mani.  Base color is Savina Money Tree & I neglected to take any pictures before I added crackle on top - 2012 Crucify:

Top coat makes a huge difference - the 2012 crackle dries pretty matte:
While I do like the combination, I actually didn't like it as well as I thought I would so I only wore it one day LOL.  Thanks for reading =)


  1. I really liked how the 2012 cracked. I went to walgreens tonight and they did not have this brand :( Hopefully the chicago area stores get it soon.

  2. oooh! I like the way this crackle looks. Others i've tried have not come out this nice looking. This one reminds me of "ninja turtles". hhehehe


  3. Hy^^
    Looks really nice. I had never seen that brand before. :D

    I'm gonna follow you ^^,

    Greets from Portugal

  4. I like the variety of colors in the 2012 crackles. Part of me thinks I'm maxed out on crackles, then I look at all the colors they have and think maybe just a few more...

  5. Now I'm not so into the whole crackle thing, but that's an awesome mani, love it!

  6. Wow! I'm not a crackle person but I REALLY like that combination. Very cool.

  7. Very unique combo. It reminds me of a turtle. Love it! Its so fun looking!

  8. This is really cool. I painted my toenails with lime green on the bottom and lavender crackle on the top.


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