
Monday, August 1, 2011

NOTD: Zoya Lexi +bm209

An ... interesting mani LOL.  It had its pros & cons ... I started off with Zoya Lexi, then I used Black special polish & Bundle Monster image plate bm209Lexi is a cool pink, that at certain angles gets ... more pink =)  The Bundle Monster plate was a cute design, but the problem I had was that the heart was placed too close to the corner - I either ended up trying to get it close & losing the heart off the edge of my nail, or giving it too much space & ended up with the square edges of the design showing on my nail.  So I'm not totally happy with my stamping job - it almost ended up better on my right hand, which is weird:

I need like remedial stamping 101 LOL, it's been such a while since I used mine on a regular basis ... you can see some of my corner/edges came out crooked or not at all too.  Well, nothing like practice!  I have another on my nails, & I'd really like to get to the next Konad FAQ vid also, so I'll see if I can squeeze some time to fit that in.
Thanks for reading.



  1. what a gorgeous mauve-y color!

  2. Sometimes I'm in the mood for traditional colors like Lexi... so pretty! "Mom" colors can be quite pleasant!

  3. That looks really pretty, guess one needs a real close look to see the crooked edges ;) I like the pattern a lot, though pink polish doesn't suit me at all.

  4. Great polish and I love this simple mani !

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  5. Still much better than my stamping attempts. Very pretty.

  6. Super cute! I've been following your nail art forever and just found out you're in Minneapolis. Me too isn't it AMAZING?! lol

  7. Looks so pretty to me. I couldn't tell if there was a mistake. If there was it isn't noticeable to anyone but you. Love the design.

  8. Really cute...Lexi needs something and this makes it. I have a really similar shade to Lexi in Essie and I always feel the same way when I put it on - this needs something - since I don't have a Konad set up (yet) - I tend to do some free art- tips on it and what not on an accent nail.

  9. oo difficult pattern to stamp indeed, but still very nice done!

  10. Gorgeous! I wish I could get the hang of stamping....

    Please check out my blog:


  11. I'm not a fan of frosty pink polishes, but this mani does look very cute! The black stamping over it is a great call. I think this design just might work better on shorter nails, but don't be so hard on yourself! :-)

  12. So pretty, will you ever do a video on how you stamp with the plates?

  13. ANON - I have 2 Konad vids up so far =)


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