
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

NOTD: Blues & Purple Water Marble + Tutorial

This wasn't the original plan, or even the backup plan, but I still like it =)  I wanted to use the color that I have on my toes - a bright blue from Claire's - with a couple of others, but it was a little mini-disaster.  Then I thought I'd do light blue, grey & lavender - but the grey was a fail.  So I finally replaced that with a darker blue & came up with this combination, all Ulta Salon Formula polishes.  Base color is Bam-Blue-Zled, marbling done with BBZ, Blue Streak (which you can see on its own HERE) & Tutu Cute:

Favorite nails are left middle & ring, right ring & pointer:

Here's the tutorial:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I absolutely love this manicure! I think that combination of blue and purple can't look great! However, it LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! Perfectly done watermarble! You're so talented!
    Keep up the great work here and good luck!
    Kisses <3

  2. So pretty! :) thanks for sharing as always!

  3. Hi Colette!
    As usual this is beautiful!
    I noticed that you often use colours from the same collection or brand, is that because they colours generally work together or the formula technically work better for marbling with? just curious as I have had countless fails now!

  4. Love this colour combination!

  5. This turned out so well. I have tried Water Marble twice and it turned out to be "un-post-able" hahaha! Basically, I am not good at this technique. You are so awesome at it! So jealous!

  6. i love your tutorials. had yet to try out though cause im not sure what you are using to cover your nails nor the wooden thing that u used to make the design in the water.

  7. I love this water marble! The combination looks absolutely beautiful!

  8. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks since finding your blog. Tonite, I've done a variation of your Outrageously Orange marble and I've gotten bubbles on my nails for the first time. How do you prevent this? Also, you've recommeended bottled water if we don't have filtered. Is there a particular brand that works better? I'm having difficulty getting the polish to spread in the cup, no matter what kind of water I use.

  9. Very pretty. And you make it seem super easy to do this technique lol

  10. Appreciate your water marbles & accompanying tutorials SO much!

  11. This is beautiful. I'm a little intimidated by the water marble, so I haven't tried it yet. I'm going to keep watching your tutorials to get my courage up.

  12. Beautifull job! Amazing! Congrats :)
    I´ve been trying to do it but sometimes the drop does not spread...why???

  13. I linked to this post (and talked about your awesome water marbles in general) in my blog post at

  14. HELLY - it can be easier to find compatible colors, but still takes a lot of trial & error =)

    MANDY - around the nail is just tape, and I use an orange stick but you can use anything with a fine point =)

    TINA - I've never tried bottled myself, I just recommend one without any additives - My 3 main tips to prevent bubbles would be: make sure there are none in the polish before you dip you nail (you can pop those), dip in & out slowly, and make sure to get rid of any water drops on your nail - if they won't drip or shake off, you can use the corner of a paper towel to absorb them. HTH =)

    ANON - are you using room temp filtered water?

  15. I would have dipped my nail in right after the stripe from side to side... But up and down not side to side! I love those colors together! =D

  16. I would have dipped with your first stroke in the water. =D


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)