
Friday, July 15, 2011

NOTD: Nubar Moon Shadow ... and My Worst Break Ever

Pretty, happy things first.  With plans for a big chop, I've been enjoying lovely things on my long nails, and a purple duo-chrome seemed a good choice.  Nubar Moon Shadow is a classic, and it was beautiful on, going from deep purple in most lights to almost bronze at certain angles:

Now, I think you guys know I'm pretty good being careful in situations that I consider dangerous to my nails ... and so my breaks end up happening in the dumbest circumstances.  Remember the bag of cheese break?  The pinky I snapped against my own other fingers somehow?  This takes the cake.
I'd successfully navigated 3 cases of soda & several grocery bags into the car.  A breeze sprang up & I grabbed for the skirt of my dress - purple like my nails might I add.  And somehow my thumb knocked against the idle shopping cart.
I'm warning you, this is not for the faint of heart ....
... if you have a weak stomach turn back now ...
I warned you!  I did!
Arrrrrggggghhhh!!!!!!!  OOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!  OUCH!  OUCH!  OUCH!  OUCHOUCHOUCHOUCHOUCH!  Shitmotherfuckergoddamnsonofabitch!
I put a band-aid on it, and managed to get myself & my throbbing finger home.  And then I painstakingly - and painfully, very very painfully - took off the polish  & saw the true extent of the damage:

Scary part?  It's still attached on the side.  Meaning even if I wanted to leave my vulnerable finger flesh exposed, I'd have to sever it's fleshy anchor.  Mom really hated when I kept saying that by the way.  I cut it down ... I glued the flap ... I added a patch ... & things are mostly OK now:
Good lord only knows how long that will take to grow out past the quick.  Thanks for the sympathy pains =)  & of course thanks for reading.


  1. you were right it was hard to look at i can only imagine the pain it brought you physically and mentally! hope it grows out without causing too many problems. ouch!!

  2. Ouch!! I can't even imagine how that must of felt PLUS with remover! I hate removing polish even when I have a papercut! Glad that you could fix it up though.

  3. Beautiful color! Ouch, ouchy, ouch-ouch on the nail!

  4. My thumb is throbbing just from looking at that. OUCH!

  5. That looks very painful! I am still growing out my thumb nail that I actually damaged below the cuticle. After much buffing, the surface looks almost normal and the length is now above the quick. It took less time than I thought - hopefully yours will grow quickly too with much massaging of the nail bed:)

  6. It was definitely hard to look at :( It looks so painful. I hope you'll feel better and I hope it grows out quickly!

  7. Ow ow ow! I was hiding my thumb in my hand when reading this post! I hope it grows out quickly, that looks so painful! :(

  8. Oooowwww... that looks bad! I have a lot of sympathy pain for you! A while back I managed to cut thru my finger nail with a bread knife while slicing the bread. Woke up the neighbors I'm sure as it was late in the evening. Hopefully yours grows out quickly!

  9. I know how painful it must have been. It happened to me twice last week. -.-

  10. OUCH! I can't imagine cutting my nail that far down...ow ow ow. It hurts just looking at it. Hopefully it grows out without any problems!

  11. This recently happened to me. My nails were not quite as long as yours but very long. I went down to the nail salon (something I very rarely ever do), and had the man put an acrylic layer over the top of my nail. My nail looks different from all the other nails, but I did not have any fleshy areas exposed or flaps of nail. He only charged me 3 bucks.

  12. That's a gorgeous colour *adds to lemming list* but OW your poor nail!! Blood and everything?? ow ow ow ow *wince*
    You patched it up so nicely though, looks so much better (and less painful than taking the whole thing off and leaving it exposed OW).
    Hope it grows out quickly!

  13. ouch! Although my nails are no where near as long as yours, I recently broke my thumb nail in similarly low place. The detaching in from nail bed left me with a throbbing thumb for 3days... worse still... now about 5 weeks on my nail is normal length but unpolished you can see a line where it's lifting. A diagonal line across the centre of my nail and I'm convinced it's going to drop off! Keep patching til it grows off the nail bed!!ouch! Although my nails are no where near as long as yours, I recently broke my thumb nail in similarly low place. The detaching in from nail bed left me with a throbbing thumb for 3days... worse still... now about 5 weeks on my nail is normal length but unpolished you can see a line where it's lifting. A diagonal line across the centre of my nail and I'm convinced it's going to drop off! Keep patching til it grows off the nail bed!!

  14. Oh, my dear Colette, across the world, I had very very bad for you. In french, aïe, aïe, aïe. kisses

  15. God that looks aweful! I can almost feel the pain. Poor girl! Hope it'll grow soon.

  16. Ouch,OMG I could feel that across the pond in the UK, you patched it up great and hope it's not too long before it's better. Have you got a post/you tube vid on how to patch up nails? Fab nail polish.

  17. awawawaw :( and that is why I cut my nails down all the time.. keeping them nubbins! I hope it grows out quickly :)

  18. Oh OUCH! Jeebus that is painful to see ; ; That Nubar is a pretty color though lol.

  19. I had to leave my reader just to come here and say "OMG OUCH!" I somehow managed to rip off 3/4 of my toenail yesterday on my sons recliner and when I saw that pic my toe started hurting in sympathy. You are braver than I, there is no way I will be removing that paint until that nail grows back out.. one baby blue/white cap toenail for me until who knows when.
    ....And the weirdest thing.. I was looking at a new blog today and I kept seeing nails and thinking they looked like yours.. they were. I recognize your nails when I find them on other blogs now.. I think I have problems.. I can spot Tartofraises too.

  20. owwwwhhhh noooo!!
    that must be painfull!!!

  21. Ouch! I hope it gets healed fast... I know the pain! Otherwise the Nubar nail polishes are beautiful!

  22. My skin prickled and my stomach churned in sympathy for you when I saw your awful break! It looks so painful :( If it were mine, I think I'd have turned the air extra specially blue if I did that to myself! It's always the most ridiculously mundane situations that end in nail breakage isn't it - I broke my "favourite" nail as I was opening the freezer door a while ago, lame.

    Hope it heals and grows out nice and quickly for you x

  23. ooooooooooouuuuuch! I can almost feel your pain looking at the picture. You amaze me with your patching ability :) Hoping you are soon pain free.


  24. Oh gosh ouch, hope it feels better... at least you went out on a gorgeous color!

  25. Oh sheeeeiiiit!!!!! You poor thing. Your poor thumbnail. Damn, I am having sympathy pain for you.

    I am in awe that you managed to withstand the agony of removing your polish, filing, gluing and patching that break. You, girl have a lot more intestinal fortitude than I do. I would have gone sobbing to my doctor for a local before dealing with something like that. lol

  26. OMG OMG OMG....I'm actually feeling queasy and lightheaded now! And to think that you had to take the polish off too....oh dear, I think I'm going to faint lol.

  27. That's a really wicked bad break. I'm suffering with you. Glad your a great patcher of nails. I'd just cut it off as short as I could. Love the polish. Nubar is one of the best lines.

  28. I just sat here and held my thumb nails on when I saw that.. As if mine were going to suddenly drop off or something lol! Ouuuuuch!!

  29. LOVE the color and good god, I know you did warn us but man I got all queasy, you poor poor thing :( that must hurt so much :( I hope it grows out soon!

  30. "OUUUCCCHHH!!! No bueno!!!" <--I caught myself actually saying that aloud while scrolling through your pics!! I hope your ouchie grows out pronto!! :(

  31. OMG.... I'm so sorry for your finger! That looks so painful! Get well soon!

    I just saw your video on Yahoo Shine for Valentine's Day water marble and I am in LOVE! You are so talented!

  32. I have broken my thumb nail down that far but only part way across. I always have been able to painfully let it grow out some with glue on it, until it's just to the quick and then I cut off a huge chunk out of it. Looks horrible but it's all I can do. Then I file the rest of that nail down to very short. I feel so bad for you - still cannot believe how long your nails grow! I won't even let mine try to get even half that long. I function well with no more than 1/2" whites, and I like them shorter than that 99% of the time. But I work with my hands a lot. Also no one can surf and wear medical gloves like I need to do and have anything like extra long nails. Wishing you well thoughts. I know this has got to be painful!

  33. OW!!! that looks very painful! I was wondering what kind of nail glue or patches you use? I've had so rather bad breaks myself and normally just end up dealing with the pain, as I cut it off. So I would love to find a way that would allow it to grow out some. Thanks,

  34. Oh sweetie, ouch ouch ouch!!! My nails have been particularly bad recently, and I've had a few breaks like this down into the quick, and it's so not fun. I'm so very sorry you had to go through this!

  35. Owwhhh!!!! Sore!!!!
    I think you should just file your nails before the same thing happens to the rest of them :)

  36. EVERYONE - tomorrow will be the big chop! So hopefully I won't have any more accidents then LOL

    jazzqueen64 - yes I do, there is a silk wrap tutorial under my Tips & Tricks playlist =) I just vary the size of the patch depending on how bad the break is, for this one it's obviously over most of the nail

    Sierra - I use swiss silk wraps & an adhesive called gel resin - I have a tutorial on YouTube & somewhere a step by step blog post with pics also =)

  37. You have my sympathy! I had a similar thing happen to my ring finger a couple of months ago. I too used the silk and fibreglass to hold it steady whilst it grew out, which it almost has now. Hurts like a bitch though!

    If you get a minute please check out my blog -


    It happened to me once, GOD! IT HUTS...
    How did you took the polish..? it hurts a lot!

  39. OMG this happened to me, only once, in my long thumb It hurts so bad. Oh well

  40. I know i'm late but you poor baby! Not only was your nail broken, but my heart just broke when I scrolled down! I feel your pain. But you are a professional and I'm sure you worked it out til it grew back. Your blog is amazing, btw!


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