
Saturday, June 18, 2011

NOTD: Zoya Dannii

I meant to get this up last night, but at some point I just got too tired & didn't finish editing the pictures ... but oh well - that's what weekends are for, right?  Staying up late & sleeping in lots =)
Zoya Dannii is from this spring's Intimate collection.  In the bottle the shimmer in this purple polish looks kind of silver, but on the nail the shimmer transforms to gold:
And here's what a failed patch looks like - looks worse than it was, but thank goodness I always have nail glue with me:

I love purple <3  I've mentioned it before, but for new readers purple is the only color that has 2 drawers in my Helmers LOL, although blue & green are both trying to catch up.
Bonus pics - the peonies are in bloom:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I adore that nail polish color :D

    Follow me, if you still aren't ;)
    Have a fashionable day! <3
    IT *

  2. Pretty purple. Ouchie! I hope your nail remains glued together. Thanks for the picture of the peony - I've always seen it listed as a fragrance or a color and not until now have I seen what the actual flower looks like! Funny, huh?

  3. This is one of my favorite colors of the collection! I can sympathize about the busted patch, I do that all the time. :(

  4. awesome purple colour. The flower is also very pretty, never see one of those type before.

  5. Gorgeous! Both the nails & the flowers! <3

  6. Really pretty color! Can you show us how you store your nailpolish?
    I guess it looks like in a store. :P
    <3 from Sweden

  7. You must be amazing with the nail glue! I tried a few times and just gave up. Another Zoya beauty. Peonies are just one of the beautiful flowers. Thanks for including the pictures.


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