
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Small Wet 'n' Wild Haul

& 1 Maybelline LOL.  I couldn't resist when I was at Walgreens:
Top:  Maybelline Blue Brilliance, WnW Black Creme & French White.  Bottom:  WnW Hannah Pinktana, Blue Wants to be a Millionaire, Teal of Fortune, Grey's Anatomy.
And me rambling about polish:
Thanks for readig =)


  1. I got the same Wet n Wild white!

  2. The Grey's Anatomy looks really pretty!

  3. I love your blog! I have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award on my blog. :)

  4. I love the black! It's my fav! It's so smooth and like silky. Also, Grey's Anatomy is awesome! I want Hannah Pinktana and Blue Wants to be a Millionaire but I can't find them here. :(

  5. These are the exact ones I grabbed from the new WnW collection lol! I also grabbed Buffy the Violet Slayer which I highly recommend, it's gorgeous :) I think these ones are all fairly sheer but they make great layering polishes. Grey's Anatomy is amazing over black, the duochrome really pops!!

  6. Can you recommend a reliable website to purchase the "hard to find" holographic nail polish? I cant find the Hidden Treasure either...

  7. I bought Hannah Pinktana, Blue Wants to be a Millionaire and Grey's Anatomy. Grey's is very sheer so you will need about 3 or 4 coats. and the other 2 in my opinion just suck. Worst nail polishes I have ever bought. Just thought I would give you warning lol! Maybe they will work better for you?

  8. Rocking the purple today! Love the little haul vids! I want to get some wnw but in the uk its a tad bit difficult!

  9. I bought the whole collection. I really love this brand. I never bought them till I started seeing them more and more on the blogs.

  10. I love the W&W ones like crazy!! I just tried the Teal of Fortune when my easter egg manicure started peeling off leaving me with bare nails. Just a warning cause I learned the hard way it stains like CRAZY, so do a double or more coat of base. My nails are STILL tinged blue that is after lemon, peroxide, special bubbling stuff that is supposed to whiten and many other tries to get it off my nails. It is such a great color though!!


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