
Monday, May 9, 2011

Quick Staining Update

For those of you who're curious =)  I soaked off all that glitter with pure acetone + foil, and took off my patches also.  It all came off pretty well, but still a lot of staining underneath:
I don't normally care, but this was bad even for me.  I made a paste of baking soda + peroxide, and did a few rounds of scrubbing with that, and it really helped a lot:
In the process of redoing my patches right now, then I'll see what I feel like doing for my manicure =)  Also still need to do mom's Mother's Day marble, because we both got totally lazy yesterday & didn't get to it LOL.  Thanks for reading.


  1. have you ever tried lemon juice and baking soda it works well too.

  2. did Orly Bombshell do this to you? good thing you got most of it off.

  3. So glad to see you got the stains off your nails! I'll have to remember peroxide + baking soda.

  4. I just came across your water marble nail art and it took my nail art interest to a higher level!!! I love your designs and I hope to see more and more!

  5. I absolutly love your water marble designs! I came across the videos on youtube and it took my nail art intrest to a higher level. Thanx for the ideas!

  6. Wow, good idea with the baking soda and peroxide! I'm going to have to try that sometime. :)

  7. Wow that worked really well with the baking soda. Here in Holland they don't sell peroxide, so I use bleach.. it sucks because it eats your nails away

  8. You know you keep talking about patching your nails up but have no idea what you mean by that... could you please explain?

  9. wow this is a big difference .

  10. AAMINAH'S MOM - sometimes I do use lemon if I happen to have one around from cooking =)

    ENAMEL GIRL - no, it's from the orange Hard Candy I had on before Bombshell =)

    TESSA - I kind of wonder if baking soda would work on it's own - you might want to give it a try!

    SHRUTHI - silk patches to hold together small cracks or tears - check out my patching tutorial on my YT channel under the Tips & Tricks playlist =)

  11. Amazing how much of the staining you got out!

  12. Wow im going to try this, i just always slapped on more polish to hide i can actually give my nails a break and have them non stained. I usually get a ugly stain from dark colors and reds grrr. i would have thought a base coat would protect it no?

  13. I love your nail length, and thanks for the tips!! Please tell me where I can go to learn about patching my nails? Maybe you have a tutorial or a blog post on it? Thanks
    And don't forget to check my new post and comment too.

  14. Believe it or not, Windex will work wonders.
    Especially if the polish bleeds onto your skin and stains it.
    I removed a blue polish, and the pigment bled and covered my hands. I tried EVERYTHING, then I saw the Windex and thought "Why not? I've tried everything else!" Sure enough, it worked.
    Windex has saved me from having smurf hands in public MANY times.

  15. I've seen a lot of girls try and compare all the different whitening/stain removing products and I feel like you home remedy has workled better than most of the other products.

  16. Hi! Great result on the stain removing operation ;)
    I just discovered that, when I did the acetone+foil remove it stained my nails quite badly. Since I did my left hand before the right I decided to do my right without the foil and it didn't leave any stains, so maybe with the foil and acetone the varnish goes into the nail if left on to long...cause I did sit with the foil for a little lost in the world of nail blogs :)
    Well the foil methode is unbeatable when it comes to removing glitter and such, just don't let it soak to long. That's my new rule :)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)