
Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm World Famous!

Well, kind of LOL.  I posted this yesterday on my FB page so some of you may already have seen it, but I got distracted & didn't get a chance to post it up here.  I have several of my readers & viewers who gave me the heads up about it, so thank you all!  My Valentine's Day tutorial is shown at the end:
I have a couple people that said they may be able to translate it & see if I actually get any credit ... it is in the YouTube terms that they are allowed to share with TV & news organizations, but you know it would just be common courtesy to say who's videos they're using.  So we'll see.  But I love the audience's reaction to the final pic, that doesn't need any translation LOL =)
Thanks for reading.



  1. congratulations for being world famous! :D here's one reader from far away as well - from finland :)

  2. Lol, that's so cool, although I can't understand a word they're saying. :-)

  3. no waaaaaaay! That is so amazing. congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Congrats! You ARE world famous for your talent and you should be!

    Would there be a way to make permanent pieces of art with your talent? You make it look so easy but everyone who's tried it knows it's not just drop-and-swirl - you also have the eye for colors and patterns on top of the steady hand and beautiful set of nails :)

  5. Congratulations. So exciting to see and hear people discovering water marbling and showing your video as you are best in the biz!

  6. Congrats!! Afterall you are the Queen of marble ^^

  7. That is absolutely amazing! I LOVE the audience's reaction the whole time. You can tell they are really amazed by your skills. Congratulations! Your videos and water marbles are amazing. (:

  8. Wow!!! Congratulations!
    Quite funny to hear two men sound so excited about nail art isn't it!

  9. Congratulations! Clips from my Youtube videos have been shown on the news, and its always unknown to me, a friend or subscriber tells me I was on their news. I asked on Twitter about it because I was curious too, like how do they just take things off my channel, not tell me, and broadcast them on the news? (Not that I really care, but like you, curious!) Christine from Temptalia said something about how if we post it on Youtube we are making it open to public usage or something, some law mumbo jumobo I didn't understand, but yup haha

    I agree with you, very weird but cool and flattering! :)

  10. That is so cool! You're like a nail polish rock star now! ♥

  11. Well, I'm Thai and I understand what they talked about. Basically, they don't even say your name which is ashamed :( ... a lady in Thailand saw your clip on youtube and sent to that TV producer, they mentioned the lady's name so many time which is "An-cha-na" if you would hear ... thanks to hers, but not you who originally filmed the clip. I feel so bad and feel guilty myself as I'm Thai. Well, sorry :(

  12. Congratulations! It's a shame you didn't get credit but just having your tutorial broadcasted is amazing! I hope some day TV producers make a show about nail and beauty blogs and have them featured on TV :D

  13. Ot's pity you haven't been mentioned/credited, but sure audience liked your mani!!

  14. How do you get your polish to spread out so much? When I try it it all stays in one clump no matter what I do... HELP! You seem to be the "master" of this.


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