
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

FAQ: Thinning Polish & How Long is Polish Good?

This is a question that I get more on YouTube, but there have been a few articles lately saying polish is only good for a year & I had to dispel what I consider to be a myth =)

The Urban Decay I show in the vid is definitely one of my oldest polishes - what is your oldest bottle?  Thanks for reading.



  1. 20 years old! Wow, now that's some old polish :)

  2. Have you ever had a nail polish that slowly "evaporates"? Grape Juice from China Glaze was reducing slowly on me, the top portion of the bottle was almost see-thru. I used a good amount of it... but not that much.

  3. my mom threw away my oldest nail polish, I got it when I was like 6 from my grandma it was a frosty white maybelline. The second oldest one I have is somewhere between 13 and 15 years old. Most of my really old ones are still good, my opi glitters from last year are getting all thick on me already, might need to invest in some thinner soon.

    great post. :-)

  4. Orange! =)

    Yeah, i can understand telling people to throw out, say, mascara after a certain amount of time, but nail polish? Madness, I say! I have bad dreams about people tossing out perfectly good HTF polish.

  5. I haven't used it yet, but I have thinner on hand just in case. BTW, your eyebrows are beautiful!

  6. I was wondering about the polish thinners and it's nice to see one in action. Thanks for posting this! :o)

    P.S. -- Yellow!~

  7. Bravo. I get all weepy, thinking about all the perfectly good polishes being lobbed into the trash because people believe these articles.

    My oldest bottles of polish are some black label OPI polishes I received from a lady on Freecycle.

    I would love to see a marble in oranges, if the spirit moves you and the polishes work. :)


  9. Aaaah, thank you THANK YOU for saying aloud what everyone should know!!
    I get a bit tired of people complaining that a polish doesn't last long, that they have to throw them away because they get thick and all... I wish your video was in French too to give them the link and tell them "You see, if Colette says it, that's because it's TRUE!!" :))

  10. I have some Miss Selfridge (UK fashion store) polishes from 25 years ago - still going fine. I annoys me all those folk who say you have to chuck after a year or keep them in the fridge (huh, who's got a fridge big enough?!) and worst of all, thinning polish with remover - eek!

  11. First I want to say that I love your blog and LOVE your videos. You are very informative. One request, please smile more, you have such a pretty smile.
    Secondly, I also would love to see an orange water marble.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. I LOVE ORANGE!!!!! :)

  13. I have some OPI polishes that are 6 years old and still work great! I think the oldest bottle of polish I have is 10 years old, it's a Sally Hansen. I have never kept my polish in the fridge either lol!

  14. A YEAR?! That's got to be some industry hype to get people to constantly refresh their stock (like the lather effect). Have you ever heard anything about keeping nail polish in the fridge to elongate polish life? My grandma swore by it (and I still do it out of habit) but I'm starting to think it may be just another old goofy wives tale...

  15. My oldest bottle of polish is Grape Ice by Cover Girl. My mom passed it down to me not that long ago but she's had it for as long as I can remember.

    And Orange is always a really good color. :)

  16. Yellow! I have yet to find a yellow that I *really* like.

    Question, can you thin polish over and over and over? Like, if it gets thick again.

    Also, if you over-thin your polish, is there any solution to that? Or do you just have to wait until it gets old and thick again?


  17. What's the difference between thinner and polish remover as I use polish remover to thin my polishes, didn't know there was such thing as a thinner.

  18. I have no idea how old my oldest bottle is..... maybe 17-18 yrs? And have several of those, too, LOL!! Have you ever mixed polishes when they get too low to use? Not that they are too thick, just too low.

    *and I vote yellow!
    I liked your idea of the polish spreadsheet, so I ceated my own. I have 125 bottles and 18 stripers. That's alot, but NOWHERE near your count, lol!

  19. Thank you, I've been wondering for so long if I should throw my old polishes away but I love them so much, I haven't got the heart to..

  20. Thank you for this information on thinning!!

    You make such nice videos!

  21. When I found out about thinner, my polish collection grew to 100's of bottles. If I keep doing my nails only once a week, it would take me several years to go through them all! Or I could do more water marbles which uses more polish!

  22. I agree with you, I have some nail polish that I have from when I was around 8. It's still a great polish and I refuse to just throw out my collection!

  23. I would like to see an orange watermarble :)

  24. I don't own any old bottles anymore. I got rid of all my polish and just buffed them. When I started reading blogs about 4 or 5 years ago, I started buying polish again. Makes me sick to think of everything I got rid of.

  25. Hello Colette!
    You wont believe what just happen!!! I have this art project going on. I'm making my nail polish lookbook just to see how many polishes I own and if there's a dupe between them. I'm using scotchtape to paint on it, and I discovered my limited edition Revlon Raspberry Rush was DRY! I have a lot of pinks but not like this one. So I kept the bottle as a token, but then I read your blog and voilà! Thanks to you, Colette my Raspberry Rush is good as new! <3


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)