
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zoya Polish Exchange

It's that time of year again!  The Zoya announced on their blog (& everywhere else) that the Polish Exchange is on now through the 27th.  You can read the details HERE - I see a rather large haul in my future, how about you?


  1. Oh baby, yeah I'm gonna be having another Zoya haul. I'm gonna have more Zoyas than China Glazes because Zoya always has such awesome sales that I.cannot.resist.

  2. Awesome! Thanks Colette for sharing this! I doubt I will take advantage of it though, because my polishes are all new and I love them so far. LOL! Can't imagine giving up even one TBH. ;) But I can't wait to see what you pick up, can you share with us which ones you'll be exchanging too? I'd love to see which ones you send in as well as what ones you picked to be sent to you. :)

  3. I've never done the exchange. Is it really worth it?

  4. You can donate polishes to save on shipping. $4 each is a great price.


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