
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Naked Nails (4-10-11)

Gave the nails a trim after I took off Teenage Dream, I had a couple of breaks that had grown out long enough to cut down, though there are a few still left.  I didn't take any before shots, but I'd guess I took off probably 3-4mm.  I know they're not short ... but they're shorter:

A bit more stained than I'd prefer, but I can't pretend that I really care too much.  You can actually see towards my cuticle when I switched from using a ridge-filling base coat back to the sticky - you wouldn't think they'd be that different (same brand) but the sticky seems to prevent staining better.

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I agree, the sticky seems to work much better!

  2. what base coat it the sticky one?

  3. I'm jealous of how long your nails are! mine will never get that long whatever I do.

  4. I agree with You nailed it! My nails seem to stop growing at certaing long and start breaking :(

  5. Hehe not short just shorter! Your short nails are longer than my nails have ever been! I had acrylics once that were around that length and I found it so difficult to do anything like buttons and texting! :)

  6. Actually I wonder if the non-staining at the cuticle isn't from the stickey base coat, but from something else. I don't know why, probably because it's the newest nail, but staining (mine and anyone else's I've seen) never goes down the full length of the nail plate into the area near the cuticle.

  7. Your nails are so pretty, staining and all. They really aren't that stained compared to some I've seen.


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