
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guest NOTD: China Glaze Delight + Something Sweet & Matte Magic

Mom's evolving manicure - she wore China Glaze Delight on its own for a few days, and I didn't get a pic of that, but then she decided to cover up the tip wear with China Glaze Something Sweet (sponged) - I actually kind of liked it, even though it's not a combination I would pick myself:
She told me she loved it ... and then she began to have doubts.  And then she decided she didn't like it LOL, but it was quite late.  I suggested she matte-ify it, and she liked it again:

And a bonus pic for you guys!  I coaxed Frisky outside, it was nearly 60 - what's considered "warm" after winter in MN LOL.  She didn't stay out too long but how adorable is she?
Thanks for reading =)



  1. Hmm, I'd name the mani.. root beer with foam (in a chilled mug) - cute!

  2. hah good call desertnails, i totally see the rootbeer with foam, hah now that sounds pretty good

    and yes the kitty is very cute, i love to torture my cats too : )

  3. Pretty Kitty cat. Simple and pretty manicure i love the sponge method.

  4. Love the colour combination. Your cat is so cute!

  5. I love seeing Frisky. I used to have a long-hair like her and saw one like her at the shelter a few weeks ago. Thinking of a new kitty since my orange kitty is sick with kidney disease and has less than a year.

  6. You've been a good influence on your Mother. Good manicure.

  7. Can't get enough of your super cool mom and her super cool taste in polish.

  8. Are those your mom's hands? Love how smooth they are!

  9. I would wear this a lot if i had a sponge


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