
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Caution: Extremely Yellow Nails (NOTD: Claire's Daisy + bm20)

I always kind of pat myself on the back when I come up with a clever title LOL.  But this did remind me of caution tape, although that wasn't the original inspiration.  Base color is the bright yellow Claire's Daisy, stamping done with Black special polish & Bundle Monster plate bm20:

I only used part of the image, and it came out a bit crooked ... actually a bit straighter on my right hand.  But still bright, which was the point, and fun.  Tolerable for one day LOL.  Thanks for reading =)


  1. I absolutely LOVE the way you used the plate!!!! I love love love everything about this manicure. I think i may try :)))

  2. How awesome is that! Have to try that sometime :)

  3. Nicely done :) I tried the same thing recently and it came out a bit disasterously, couldn't type because the stripes were so distracting :D

  4. That is SO cool, love it!

  5. This is gorgeous, but even though we have a similar skin tone (comes from have parents from Iceland and Jamaica) I would never be able to pull off that yellow. :( But it still looks great on you. :)

  6. You are so clever with your Konading skills. Love this manicure. Reminds me of my yellow and black sweater that I used to wear to death.

  7. You are so good!
    I wish I was that good as you!
    I really love the yellow colour, it´s very pretty to spring! ;)


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