
Monday, March 21, 2011

NOTD: Milani Purple Gleam

This was my mani this past weekend - Milani Purple Gleam:

Glittery & purple & lovely =)  I also got started on the top manis from 2010 post over the weekend - I PROMISE I will have it posted before the end of this month, seriously!  I almost have it narrowed down.  Might have to make it a top 25 instead of 20 though LOL.

Thanks for reading.



  1. That glitter is so cute I love it! How many coats is that though? =)

  2. PAINT THAT NAIL - they advertise these as "one-coat glitter" - while I wouldn't got that far, this is only 2 coats =)

  3. Oh ok thank you! Yeah I saw how they said "one coat" but I didnt really know about that. Thanks again for responding I really appreciate it. =)

  4. Awesome colour and sparkles, I love purple and sparklies, so that topped my list, beautiful! Love your photos and tutorials! :D


  5. This is exactly my shade of purple, I think I need to pick this one up!

  6. I love that colour and sparlkes =))
    And the first sunlight picture is awesome!!

  7. I saw this in the store the other day but didn't grab it. Now I wish I had. It's so pretty!

  8. Man is that some beautiful glitter. I still haven't found these. Seems like if you don't find them when they first come out it's tough to find them.

  9. LUCY - I initially had trouble finding the special displays - but since then, I have seen a row of these added to standard Milani displays, even at my local Cub Foods. Although they don't usually have the full line - I'm still looking for the red & the chunky silver.

  10. your designs are so beautiful! I wanted to ask you for advice, I have extremely soft nails, that tend to crack and break easily. The only way I can keep them at the same length is getting acrylic on them, which ends up damaging them a lot. Do you have any nail hardening nail polish that has worked for you? Thanks!

  11. I LOVE this purple! I wish Milani polishes were available more easily in the UK :( I'm just starting out and am SO envious of all the lovely polishes you have! Adore your blog, keep up the good work x


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)