
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Awesome Shoe Clearance

I stop at DSW all the time, because their clearance is always changing - it happens to be awesome  right now.  Two of these I got at 50% off I think, & 2 at 80% off.
These have almost like a snakeskin texture - but they're really soft, they're actually made of cloth, not leather or fake leather:
These are super cute & zip up the back:
Something a bit more sensible LOL, Ryka sneakers:
And one of these days the snow will melt & I'll be able to wear these bad boys:

I'm very proud because although I bought 4 pair, I also got rid of 4 old pair that really needed to go.  But I get so attached to my shoes LOL!  I want to keep old favorites even when they are beat up & I don't wear them anymore.  But I don't want to be a hoarder, so I sucked it up & tossed them!
Thanks for reading.


  1. You - a hoarder?! I can't imagine! LOL

  2. Cute shoes! You know how to find the sales!

  3. Gorgeous shoes! Lucky girl. I could never wear heels much. Now I can't at all. I still enjoy looking at them.


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