
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quick Update

I had an awesome time at Kiki's New Year's party - unfortunately since then I'm fighting off a cold.  So between those 2 things I am still finishing several things I thought I'd already have done by now ... but I wanted to take a minute & let you guys know what's coming up on the blog:
  • 2 hauls from a week or so ago, Ulta & Sallys.
  • Final 2010 Books.  I didn't meet my goal (100) but I'm OK with it.  Maybe this year ... although I've yet to open a book in 2011 LOL.
  • Claire's Glam TOTD - really pretty turquoise glitter.
  • New Year's Resolutions (once I figure them out LOL).
  • Updating the polish spreadsheet ... especially whether you can find pics of the polish on the blog.  Then keeping it updated this time!
  • Whatever I change my nails to from the fireworks - I'm thinking a marble but not sure yet =)
  • Top 20 manis from the past year - looking forward to reviewing the year, but I haven't even started yet!
Will all of this get done today?  I don't know.  Probably not ... since I just got up & it's already almost 4 XD.  But we'll see.  One resolution I do know I'm making is to be more organized, so I've been working on that, I got a new jewelry box for Christmas so I'm finding a place to put that & filling it up ... my room is so crammed it's like every square inch of space is already filled, but I'm finding ways to work with it.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can get through everything you want to do. We all want to get organized for the new year. I need to get my bedroom closet organized. I'm usually pretty organized. I can't stand messes anymore. I lived with a family that loved to collect all kinds of junk. It was sometimes overwhelming. When things are in order I can function. Look forward to the things you will be posting.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)