
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NOTD: Red & Purple Water Marble + Tutorial

The colors showed up better in the vid than in any of the pics for some reason ... Sally Hansen Right Said Red base, marbling done with RSR & Sally Hansen Problem Child:
Here are my favorites; left ring & middle, right ring & thumb:

Here's the tut:
Cold is finally almost done, though I'm still quite tired.  Thanks for reading =)


  1. This is beautiful! I really like it, im not lucky enough with water marble but ill keep trying!
    I would really appreciate if you visit my blog :) Thx you!

  2. Hi Colette! Your water marble designs are always awesome...!
    Greetings from Barcelona ;-)

  3. That is gorgeous. So vampy. I love it.

  4. Thank you so much for putting up these tutorials! I just found your blog yesterday and I'm so inspired by it that I don't know what to try first :D

  5. very very nice :) and you have beautiful nails, mines are so weak they break from just looking at them :(

  6. this design changes & i love it :) I hope you will be better very soon.

  7. Love red and black together. Your water marble manicure are just the best.

  8. Very, very pretty. Too bad I'm too lazy (and like to change polish nearly every day). Hope you feel all better soon.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your water marble design is really beautiful! It seems so easy when you do it! I really want to try that ! Thank you so much for the tuto!

  11. so OBSESSED with your marble nail art. your tutorials are amazing!!!

  12. Hi, I discovered your videos not so long ago and I loved the result you get. I tried to do the same but I found troubles with my polish.. They don't go into circles once in the water and i can't do it properly.. Do you use a particular type of polish ? Any tips for my problem ?

  13. Your water marbling is just the best. Love the color combination.

  14. i've been trying for an hour now but no results! never mind I'll keep trying persistently!!!!
    your designs are Just PERFECT!!!!
    kisses from greece!!!!


  15. hi...i found ur manicure realy gud,even i tried but my nail paint is not spreading the way ur nailpaint spread in circle um using OPI nailpaint...plz help me n give me some tips....

  16. My nail paint also isn't spreading and it hardens too fast in the water that when I go to make the design, the stick takes all the paint out. I am using Hard as Nails and Petite brands. Is there a certain temperature the water needs to be? I can't seem to do a perfect bull's eye, either. I had to put the stuff away after a couple tries because the fumes were making me nauseous :x

  17. Well, as far as the sensitivity to fumes goes, I should just get one of those medical masks so I don't have to inhale the smell.

  18. Do nail salons do these? Gah! I just don't think I have the time to practice this with everything I am doing now.

  19. where do you bay your nail polish??

  20. Love your desins :) keep up the good work girl! can you do more with pink and light blue nail polish? would love to see it thanks!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)