
Monday, November 22, 2010

NOTD: OPI Green & Holo Bronze Marble + Tutorial

This was my entry to OPI's water marbling contest ... and I am very sad to tell you that I did not win =(  No bling OPI t-shirt for me.  I'll admit I was kind of shocked - maybe I was over-confident, but this felt like a winning manicure to me - base of OPI DS Desire, marbling done with Desire & OPI Jade is the New Black:

Here's the tutorial:
And if you are interested to see the designs that beat it, you can check it out in OPI's contest winner gallery HERE.
Maybe I'll bedazzle my own damn OPI t-shirt.  Or one that says My Simple Little Pleasures - that would be like, 8 times as much bling LOL. Thanks for reading.


  1. wow i want to wear those nails ha ha ha

  2. i think the pretty circular swirls of color are mesmerizing

  3. awww, sorry you didn't win, but a t-shirt with your blog name on it sounds like a better prize. your mani is gorgeous!

  4. I really like this!! The holo background is really cool.
    But I guess they wanted a more complex design? I noticed that all the winners had lots of variation from finger to finger.

  5. I was also shocked that you didn't win! I know many ppl that entered prob learned to marble from your vids. I've seen your name mentioned on that page countless times. But anyway, love this manicure & glad that you started an SLP FB page :)

  6. i totally think you should have beat some of those other designs! but i had a quick question...have you ever used like glitter glitters for a marbling design? or does all the glitter just sink to the bottom? lol

  7. don't worry.. your nails were gorgeouuus.. they looked so incredible and professional! i loved the color combo, almost Christmas but not totallyy.

  8. love this! the pattern looks like a scene from nightmare before christmas

  9. Honestly, I think that your manicure should have won. The winners were pretty, but your marbling blew them all out of the water.

  10. Yours looks great! I can see how some of the other color variations that won are different. Yours looks SO much neater and well done on the technical side, also incredibly uniform on each finger. I've not been brave enough to try for fear of making a huge mess. XD lovely job

  11. YOU WERE ROBBED! Maybe yours were too technical and uniform for the voters. You rocked it! Keep it up!

  12. ur really great in water marble..UR A WATER MARBLE QUEEN XD i hope u'll join us in our weekly challenge coz our next theme is water marble nails...

    ogg Collette.. i've been always trying this swrils marbling but i always failed i couldnt get the perfect swirls :(

    i just like to ask.. how to prevent bubbles on water marbling??

  13. I don't understand you didn't won!!!
    I can not see the pictures on facebook...who did won..
    but you are the best in doing marble!!
    and I love this marble!!

    I am sorry if my english is not so good..

  14. It's a shame you didn't win, these are really beautiful. You're also my marble queen!

  15. I won't lie, I'm SHOCKED TOO!!!! some of them I felt were..not as great as they could be. maybe it was a random draw?

    I think your bedazzled shirt would looks 10000000000000000 times better!

  16. Never mind Colette, I think it's a winning mani! I put a pic in your fb page of one I did after watching one of your tutorials, it's not made it into the fan photos section :( is that because it's a pic from my iPhone and not very clear? Get ordering some hotfix crystals off eBay and do yourself a MSLP boing t-shirt :)

  17. Your marble is fantabulous and the best! And yah, you can bedazzle your own shirt and be even more fantabulous!

    Thanks for all the tutorials!

  18. hah i agree with everyone, i'm not sure what opi was looking for, I thought you were an instant winner, they prob thought you didn't do a marble because it looked so perfect. keep up the good work and just know that your #1 in our books!!

  19. When I saw the winners I was bitterly disappointed. I thought for sure you were a shoe in. Some were good but I don't think any where up to your standards. You are the winner in my books. Wish I could send you an OPI shirt. You deserved it. You wus robbed!

  20. Very pretty! It looks perfect to me.

  21. I thought the winner would be like "wow!" but nope. Yours is beautiful; the color combination grows on me and the swirls are darn perfect!

    Thanks for all the tutorials you've been putting up! I've recently started marbling. Boy, you make it look so easy!

  22. Well it's a winner in my book. So,congratulations Colette, lol!

  23. I applause !!! it's so well done & regular I thought it was nail decals so you can imagine !!!! perfect.

  24. EVERYONE - Thank you all for your support! My mom said maybe they thought I used decals or something but I don't buy that because I submitted the tutorial as a video response to their YT channel ... they never approved it though. Kind of lowered my opinion of OPI all around.

    LOVELY ADDISON - I have had a couple of fails with glitter polish, but I haven't given up. The 2 problems is that a lot of time they have very sheer base which doesn't show up very well, also they can dry really fast. But I've still got some ideas to try & make it work =)

    THRISHA - I'm sad I didn't have time to enter the challenge - My 3 main tips to prevent bubbles would be: make sure there are none in the polish before you dip you nail (you can pop those), dip in & out slowly, and make sure to get rid of any water drops on your nail - if they won't drip off, you can use the corner of a paper towel to absorb them. HTH =)

    SUZIEMOOE - I've had a couple of other fans say that pics posted fromt their phones don't go through either =( Maybe try uploading it directly from a PC

  25. I think your water marble is marvellous! Love your work.

  26. Wow! I know that I'm late to the party here, but... I imagine that the judges most likely thought you got it done professionally or stamped it or something, as your marbling (and clean-up, and nail shape) are neat & flawless-- most of the winning manicures on OPIs Facebook are pretty janky, and I mean that kindly, little or no cleanup, bubbles everywhere, etc. Nothing wrong with that, though I do think it's pretty crazy that they selected some of those over yours. However.... most of us nail gals know that OPI does some pretty crazy things quite often! What a gorgeous marble, I plan to use this combo! :D

  27. well you are a winner because no one get that far :) ...... the first time that i saw the mable nairl art i was shok i would never imagine that way so cool of painting my nails... but thanks to you i know how <3 .. take care and god bless you


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