
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Helloooo Winter!

Even here, we don't normally get hit quite this hard for the first storm of the season - this was the view out of my bedroom window when I woke up this morning:
And it was still coming down!  My niece's birthday party was cancelled =(
After we got dressed I went out for a walk with Mom & Dude & took some more pics.  It's wet, heavy snow, so there were lots of broken & bent trees but also lots of pretty, snow-covered things.  Here's a taste of November in Minnesota:

Bearing in mind now, that it was 70 degrees less than a week ago LOL. Do you have snow yet where you live?

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I am so jealous of your weather right now!I'm also looking forward to the first snowflakes. Enjoy!!!!X

  2. wow snow already!! it`s almost a miracle if we have snow on xmas day, but it`s normal to have it in february/march...I`m not ready for snow yet...on the otehr hand I~m sick of the nasty rain bleugh. Can`t we just skip it and start with spring pls?! I need sunrays haha.

  3. Hey, I live in Russia and there's still no snow! :D
    Well, we had it for a short period in october, but now there's just something strange going on 'cause we have incredibly warm temperatures for november... kinda scary, right? global warming etc...
    ah, snow. want tt now already!

  4. I'm in Florida so No Snow =-( I would love to see some.Although it is pretty Cold here =-} 45 to be exact. ^_^
    I love that last picture.

  5. omg, i'm just not mentally ready for snow yet :(

    this weather is crazy! it's in the 40's today but as you stated last week it was in the 70's

    i guess i'll get my snow boots out, lol

  6. I wish we have snow in Puerto Rico, but winter is similar to summer, just a bit chiller.

  7. We're in the 70s now (brr!) but the week before last we were in the 90s. I'm looking forward to playing the dvd of a fire in a fireplace soon. I especially enjoyed the first and last snow pictures you shared.

    So, about that patio table outside, is it possible to bundle up and sit outside and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa or is it just too cold? A gal from the Sonoran Desert is just curious...

  8. Oh nooooo I am not ready to see that stuff yet!!!! NOOOOO!!!
    We had an amazingly beautiful day here today. Upper 60s and sunny...just a gorgeous Fall day.

  9. How pretty. Enjoy your Winter-y weather.

    We do get snow, here. Believe it or not, it does snow in Arizona. :D

  10. AH I am so jealous!!! It looks like so much fun over there.
    Here, it's still freaking was like 65 degrees today, and it's supposed to be like that for at least another week.
    I've been patiently waiting with my boots and sweater in hand, but snow just isn't coming.
    I want to live in Minnesota too. :(

  11. I also live in MN and was in Minneapolis this morning and woke up to our car getting stuck, me pushing, us repeatedly trying to keep the ice/snow off the windows and keep them unfogged, and my actual winter gear in my car (which was parked in St Cloud). :P We got out of the Cities and by the time I got home (quite a ways north in MN) we have hardly any snow. Go figure? LOL ENJOY!

  12. I'm in Saskatchewan, it looks almost the same here. Except we have a bit less snow, and lots of ice, and it was very foggy. :)

  13. We've had maybe an inch or two of snow in CO over the past couple of's SO cold out though. Last week we had 80 degree temps too!

  14. it looks gorgeous outside, i love the sight of clean white snow! =D it usually starts snow around December in NYC so i'm still waiting! *fingers crossed

  15. NO WAY!!! Where ARE you from??? It's way too soon for this!! Wasn't my 4th of July picnic just last week??? *cries* I hate the winter. I WANT SUMMER!!

  16. The weather people said that it would be the worst winter from the last hundred years here but it's still light jacket in the morning-t-shirt at lunch weather!

  17. Holy Crap. I wish for that in DC right now so I can get off work!

  18. wow!
    what a nice views! :)

    there's no snow in Poland now, te sun is shining and it's quite warm - about 14 degrees (Celsius - because we measure in Celsius)


  19. wow!!! so much snow! this is fascinating :)

  20. I envy you soooo much:) It's unusually warm here in Slovenia, around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and I can't wait for snow! Especially the first snowfall of the year, when everything just seems to slow down and it's so calm...

  21. Where I live in Sweden the first snow came this week, also wet & heavy. I love it because i lightens up the dark and you get to light candles everywhere!

  22. Oh yes! Last week, we had thich layers o snow, and minus 20 degrees celcius in Norway! I just LOVE this time of the year! It's so cozy!

  23. nice pics!
    No, no snow early november in Holland! Most years we don't have any snow at all. Last season there was snow for three months! So I'm curious what it is going to be this year.
    It's 10 degrees celsius now here

  24. Here in Sweden the first snow came for maybe 3 weeks ago. And that's unusually late. :P

  25. that is so pretty. :0
    its the tropics here so no snow sadly.

  26. EVERYONE - we got dumped on even worse this weekend! Not so wet but more overall inches, I think like another 6-8 total =)

    DESERTNAILS - yes, although it's a pretty rare day you'll catch me doing it =) My mom will still spend time outside in the winter, sometimes I will sit there to take a break while shoveling LOL

    LOODIE - LOL it has to be WAAAY worse than this before I'd be able to get out of work due to snow!


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