
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NOTD: Spider Web French Tips

More Halloween nails!  I confess to being a little disappointed with this mani though ... it wasn't quite a fail, but not a total success either.  Upon reflection, I think maybe I should have skipped the first coat, and just done one really thick wet layer instead of a mostly-dry but somewhat sticky layer & then a moderate wet layer on top of that.  I'll do that next time =)
I used Sephora Pure Plum for the base color, and then marbled the tips in a spiderweb design with Sephora Double Platinum:

Here's the tut:
Thanks for reading =)


  1. I think it turned out very pretty :) I really like that color combo

  2. I would never be disappointed with such a mani, it looks amazing! :D

  3. It looks so cool! You're very creative wih marbles ^^

  4. i've been learning how to do various basic nail art designs from photos on the internet and i would just like to say that all of your tutorials and nails are amazing! you explain them perfectly and i've never come across such amazing, beautiful designs! thankyou

  5. I LOVE this! You're so creative.
    ps - I tagged you in my most recent post for an award (:

  6. Wow it's amazing! I'm going to try this one myself... :D

  7. I tried this one and I love it!

    PS: I was lazy and tried using only 1 layer of the base colour at first, but it was really hard to drag the pattern without exposing the bare nail underneath. I ended up doing a really thin layer of color plus topcoat, then a second layer + the accent colour, which worked well for me (^(oo)^)v

  8. How do you keep your nails from breaking, they are so long and healthy looking.

  9. Hi! Both of these manis are great!

    I just mentioned you on my blog. I tried out your Spider Web mani. Mine was not as perfect as yours of course :)

    I talked about your marble technique but just noticed you also used the toothpick method. Both mani's are hot! I loved the marble but the black with silver is great too!

  10. thanks for the are always helpful....

  11. That's so an innovative manicure. Beautiful!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)