
Friday, October 8, 2010

NOTD: Bling Silver Tiger (Nubar Star Sparkle + M57)

I'm really sorry I've been all MIA all week ... it's just been a really long, busy, stressful week.  All I wanted to do in the evenings was veg out & so that's what I did.  I've been unable to get a hold of my regular stylist, so I had to find a new place to go & so not only had to switch up my normal routine, but meet new people & go new places ... all things that freak me out more than a little.  Socially phobic much LOL?  Then we were without email at work for almost 2 full days - I'm sure you can imagine the havoc that caused.

I've got a ton of ideas for this month - Halloween, Breast Cancer, Fall Leaves - and I feel sooo behind.  But at the same time, when blogging starts to feel like an obligation rather than an enjoyable hobby, I know it's time for a short break.  Although I did not take a break from nail painting =)  So I'm going to attempt to get caught up again, starting with this mani from last weekend.  I used Nubar Star Sparkle from the Sparkles Collection as the base, which is a silver glitter with a bit of holo in the mix.  Then I added some tiger stripes with Konad image plate m57 & Wet 'n' Wild Black Creme - double-stamped of course but I've always been pleasantly surprised how easy this pattern is to match up:

Much more to come tonight & this weekend so stay tuned for a crapload of NOTDs!  Thanks for reading.



  1. LOVE THIS!! Hope to see a YouTube tutorial soon on this!

  2. I love silver and black. I've used this very colour combo and design myself! Does the Wet'N'Wild work well without smudging cuz I'm out of Konad Special Black and would love to find a cheaper substitute? I use Seche Vite for topcoat.

  3. That holo is so pretty! I love animal print anything.

  4. Ooh, very nice! I love silver and black.

  5. omg i love you colete! Happy Halloween


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