
Thursday, September 30, 2010

NOTD: Nubar Prize

The whole Prisms Collection is basically a huge win.  I've loved every color that I've worn =)  Here's a look a Nubar Prize, it's very similar to Ulta Bombshell but Bombshell is kind of a more intense red - I want to call Prize light red although it is definitely not pink & it has more holo to it than Bombshell:
Here it is in motion:
Still playing catchup, no good excuse this time why I'm so far behind LOL.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Gorgeous, and it looks great on you! I love holos. So dang much. :D

  2. So beautiful! Holos make my world go round but they are hard to find :(

  3. I bought the whole collection and am glad I did. This one is spectacular! You have gorgeous nails and this shade with all that holo beauty looks amazing. Have a good weekend sweetie.

  4. WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lOvE it ^_^

  5. Wow, this is beautiful! I love your nails and your blog too (I was so inspired that I started my own yesterday!) Still trying to find a Nubar vendor in the UK...and a decent holo too for that matter. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  6. I have to get this, it's stunning!

  7. Perfection!!! I love the color and your nails!


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