
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2010 Books 34-38

Getting behind posting books again, I don't think I posted any at all in August!  And although everyone teases me, I feel so far behind my normal pace for the year - so here are a few to start catching up: 
Running with the Pack#34
Werewolves, Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
This anthology featured short stories by:  Carrie Vaughn, Steve Duffy, Marie Brennan, Jeffrey Ford, Samantha Henderson, C.E. Murphy, Stephanie Burgis, Laura Anne Gilman, Molly Tanzer, Mike Resnick, Genevieve Valentine, Lawrence Schimel, Maria V. Snyder, Karen Everson, N.K. Jamison, Geoffrey H. Goodwin, Mike Brotherton, Amanda Downum, Jesse Bullington, Peter Bell, Erzebet YellowBoy, & Susan Palwick.
& no, this wasn't a particularly thick anthology with that many authors - the short stories were mostly all just really short.  Normally that would not be my thing, but I enjoyed almost every single one which is rare with a collection of this many authors, many of which I hadn't read before.
Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires, Book 1)#35
Chloe Neill
Chicagoland Vampires Book 1
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
This is me judging a book by it's cover again - although it was actually the cover to the 3rd book that caught my attention, then I had to go back & find the first book.  I like this series, it's not like "Oh my God best thing I've read lately" but it was a fun read, if a bit quick.
Naamah's Curse#36
Jacqueline Carey
Kushiel's Legacy Book 8 (Moirin Book 2)
Historical Fantasy
I know I have some readers who've also read this series, and I just have to say, I was really uncertain if I was going to enjoy the narration for Moirin's POV, but she gets into just as much trouble as Phedre (the narrator for the first 3 books).  I can't wait to read the third book of this trilogy, yet at the same time can't help but wonder what will come after Moirin's tale is told ... I love this world & I certainly hope Jacqueline finds another muse & continues to write in it.
Undead and Unfinished (Queen Betsy, Book 9)#37
MaryJanice Davidson
Queen Betsy Book 9
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
I was confuzzled by the time I finished this one.  Time travel can do that - and the epilogue didn't help matters any.  Still, I like these books, they always make me laugh out loud.  I love MaryJanice's writing style - and found I can get even more of it over at her self titled blog, which you can check out by clicking HERE.
Friday Night Bites (Chicagoland Vampires, Book 2)#38
Chloe Neill
Chicagoland Vampires Book 2
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Kind of a lull in the 2nd book, lots of setup-type stuff going on ... I wasn't exactly bored, but I felt I could have been more entertained.  I've got the 3rd book out from the library right now but haven't started it yet.
This is not fully caught up, but it's a start =)  I'm off the next 2 days from work so I'll try to fit a few more in - especially since my internet seems to be fixed now - the service tech that came out on Monday ran a new line from the pole to the house after finding the signal in the yellow zone, and I haven't had any problems since so far (*knock on wood*).
Thanks for reading.


  1. I love the Kushiel series! I haven't kept up with the author though and I didn't know there was a new series. Thanks for sharing!

  2. APRIL - this series is set a couple of hundred years after the first 6 books, but even with all new characters I was able to get into the story right away =)


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