
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sidetracked ... Ouch =(

I had literally just decided not to change my nails, to edit some pics & get caught up posting instead.  Then this happened to my right pinky:
I somehow bent it totally backwards on the arm of my chair.  I will warn you before this next pic, that this is polish, not blood ... mostly.  I think.  Although it hurt enough taking the polish off there very well could be some blood, but I'm going to continue telling myself it's polish:
This seriously hurt so bad the last thing I wanted was to take the polish off, but it is obviously way too low into my nail bed to chop off so I needed to patch it.  Instead of editing pics & answering comments which I did so well with for a little while LOL. 
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment & then when I get home I need to make a fruit tart so I don't know that I'll have time then either, grrr.  But I've got so far 2x NOTD & 1x TOTD & soon will have 2 hauls to show & then have to go on a no-buy...  Except for the Orly Cosmix FX collection, that is already budgeted for LOL.  But my Nubar order got kind of out of control, so I need to content myself with what I have for a while, like until Christmas XD
Thanks for reading.


  1. Ouch!!! that looks so painful!!! Im sure you're busy patching it up as I type but I was looking into buying the konad nail art stamp and I was wondering if it works perfectly well with nail polish other than their supposed "special polish"??

  2. ps I ask you since you seem to use them a lot and are pretty much a nail expert =) also forgot to mention, I love your water marbles!!!! xx

  3. Ouch! My middle right finger just tore in the middle of my finger and I'm trying to save it =( hopefully you get caught up!

  4. oooo, sorry this happened. i can totally relate though. i had so many side splits i just cut them all off. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! lol (just being dramatic :)

    .......but on another note, didn't you just chop your nails down. they are super long again. wowsa!

  5. Aaaah that made MY nail hurt lol. Sorry about the ouchies tear. Mmmm I want to eat one of your fruit tarts they look so good! Good luck :)

  6. Ugh, sorry to see that! Feel better!

  7. awwwww....sorry to see that.. hope u could do something to fxi ur fabulous long nail...

  8. i just did the same thing but had to cut it down as far as i crazy.

  9. Oh my gosh. Ouchhhhhhh! Sorry about your nail!

  10. Ouch! I'm sorry about your nail, and I hope it doesn't give you any more trouble.

  11. aaah, that must hurt! Sorry! I had this with my pinky, too :(

  12. I did that on two nails last month. It stinks!!!!

  13. When I saw that photo all I could think about was the stinging of polish remover over the quick! OWWW!!! *hugs*

  14. Oh no, definitely patch it and cut the nail down. :(

    I'm sure it will grow back stronger than ever :)

  15. OWOWOWOWOW! That makes me cringe, it looks so painful. Hopefully it grows out fast.

  16. I do this all the time with my pinkies, but they stand up to the abuse. *knocks on wood* It feels so nasty though when they bend back like that.

  17. EVERYONE - Thanks for all the sympathy =) It was sooo sore all the next day =( But has gotten better since then.

    ANON - not all regular polishes work, but some do, especially chromes or colors that cover in 1 coat.

    ENAMEL GIRL - It's been almost a month, they are growing pretty quickly. I like them at this length although it's not my ideal =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)