
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NOTD: Zoya Dovima + m63

So, I've been trying really hard lately not to fall behind with posting.  Which occasionally results in pictures being slapped up without much else ... such is today's post.  Hope you guys don't miss my rambling too much LOL.

I started off with 2 coats of Zoya Dovima - these pics are pre-cleanup:

Then I stamped with Color Club Wild at Heart & Konad plate m63 & topped with Seche.  I continue to experiment with which side I match up for double-stamping with this image, and just rotating sides, or stamping one "backwards" as opposed to both the same direction creates a different look than previous times I've used it.  I really like this way, even though they're matched in different places, the seam is invisible on almost every nail:

I matte-ified (re-matte-ified?) it for my 2nd day which made it really subtle:

Thanks for reading!



  1. The konading is so subtle and gorgeous. I absolutely love it!

  2. Very pretty. I have yet to master konading!

  3. Dovima is a great shade and the subtle konad on it looks really pretty. :D

  4. I have a reeeally long way to go until I can use konad the way you do ^^ The design looks gorgeous, like always ^^

  5. Nice combo, I love to stamp with WaH :) I like it the most when it's shiny, but matte looks great as well!

  6. pretty alone, buT OMG when you Konad-ed it! That's stunnign!

  7. Hey those are amazing! A good combination :)
    here is my new blog

  8. I have Zoya Dovima Matte but have not tried it yet. Now that I have seen your pictures, I am more excited than ever to wear it!

  9. hello
    very nice nail design
    you have a really pretty blog
    i added you to my blogroll
    if you don't mind, please put me to your blogroll
    thanks ^_^

  10. can u do a video on the zoya dovima+m63?

  11. Oooh, I need Dovima in my life so bad!! ♥


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