
Friday, August 27, 2010

NOTD: Nubar Raspberry Truffle

So, you all know that I do my nails right before I go to bed 90% of the time - that means I need a reliably kick-ass topcoat to make sure I wake up with glossy nails & not sheet marks.  Nubar Diamont used to be, in my opinion, just as good as Seche - fast drying & super glossy.  I'd read on a few blogs that Nubar had changed the formula, but didn't think much of it.  Until I used one of my new bottles on this & it was dull, sticky, and for sure NOT drying fast enough for me to crawl into bed.  All I really have to say is:  WTF Nubar.  Or, to quote my mom when I told her "why would they make it less awesome?" I ended up adding Seche over top so that I could go to sleep.  Even if I'd been patient enough to wait for Diamont to dry completely, it was not giving me any shine.

This was my NOTD last Thursday.  That's pretty damn sad that I am over a week behind on NOTDs.  Here is Nubar Raspberry Truffle:

Really, pretty, a lot of depth, and I wish I'd had some sun when I took my outside shots.  I'm not sure, by the way, what in the world happened to my thumb in that last shot, although it was taken after work.  It's so crackled it looks like it was shut in a door or something which I can guarantee it was not =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. Gorgeous color! Where do you buy your NUBAR colors?

  2. I just LOVE the look of this! I had heard they changed their t/c. Everyone's complaining about it! I plan on placing an order through Ebay for some Nubars - thanks to the cheaper shipping - and I wonder if they've got the new version or the older version. Hmm!

  3. Oh that looks so rich and lovely, shame about the top coat :(

  4. EVERYONE - Thanks!

    MISS T - I got mine from their website, I think they do sell them at some salons, but I've never seen them anywhere near me


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