
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Avon Haul

So, the wife of a guy at work recently started selling Avon ... and so there were catalogues all over, with nail polish on sale in them =)  Here's what I got:
Top left to right:  Fusion, Luxe Lavender, Lagoon, Olive Green.  Bottom left to right:  Mink, Urban Grey, Vintage Blue, Jade.
I'd say Lagoon was the surprise of the lot, the color drop gave no hint that there's like this periwinkle shimmer overlaying everything.  It's very pretty & very hard to photograph in these kind of boring square bottles - seems like round bottles show more color in pics.
Anyway, I'm sure many of you have heard that one of these is a dupe to a very expensive polish ... here is Olive Green next to Rescue Beauty Lounge Orbis Non Sufficit:
They don't look it in the bottle, probably in part because ONS needs a little more shaking than I gave it, but swatched they are damn close.  OG is a teensy tad itty bit darker with a measly trickle more blue.  No one but another nail blogger would ever notice LOL, and only at extremely close range.
Still have the Nubar haul to come =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. woohoo Avon haul!! :D wld love to see swatches! :D

  2. I just bought Lagoon, Jade, Olive Green, and Urban Grey. I'm on the fence about Vintage Blue though; what do you think? I really like Avon polishes! Can't wait to see swatches.

  3. Okay, I have a wicked old bottle of Fusion and it looks nothing like that. THAT color you have I need (along with Lagoon). Totally getting them with my next order. I was resisting them on sale until now ;)

  4. I need more swatches please!!!!!

    especially lagoon. I always see it but i'm ehhh about it.

  5. Luxe Lavender is one of my fave polishes EVER! Also, if they still sell a really dark navy one, pick it up. It's a-ma-zing.

  6. It's sad when you sell Avon and never noticed the nice colors they have until someone else posts about them, lol. I do have that Olive Green though.

    Oh and a head's up? They're coming out with a few matte polishes a few campaigns from now. A red (kind of looks like a dark red), black, dark purple, and a gray.

  7. How do you like Avon polishes? I used to be an Avon Rep and honestly, I think it's the worst polish on the market. It gets thick way too quickly, even in the application. Thoughts? Have a great weekend, Colette!

  8. I just got olive green and vintage blue too!! I LOVE how opaque their cremes are!! I am wearing Electric Purple now and it is a dream!

  9. Yay, avon! Some shades you have are not (hopefully, yet) in Russia!
    The two new shades Jade and Olive green go under names Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy (haha so overused). I wish we had the lagoon and urban grey! But there's no sign. I'm looking forward to see some swatcheeees :D especially the grey.

  10. Hey. I just found your youtube/blog, I'm like running home to try to marble my nails. But I noticed you're from Minneapolis, so am I, rock on.

  11. EVERYONE - Thanks!

    JANNA - I like Vintage Blue, it is super pale but still noticably blue (bluer than it shows in pics I feel)

    MARYFRANCES - I only had 3 Avon polishes before these, but I haven't had any trouble with application. Some are on the thick side, but not so bad that they're hard to maneuver.


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