
Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July NOTD: Zoya Jo & Elke + BM05

I did this before I went to my brother's house, just something simple but I had a few chips on my book cover challenge mani so I was forced to take it off even though I was sad to see it go.  I used Zoya Jo (blue), Zoya Elke (red), and the stamping is done with Konad White Special Polish & Bundle Monster plate bm05.  Then I added the rhinestones ... a few of them look kind of glommed on, I used too much topcoat to set them, but other than that & a few crooked stars, I like this:

There were actually a ton of ideas I had this year that were 4th of July related & I just didn't get around to them.  For example I didn't do any fireworks on my nails!  So I may tweak the color scheme & still do some of them, or else they'll just have to wait until next year.

We had some barbecue & some laughs at my brother's house, and I'm in for the evening now.  I'm sure the dog will be going crazy as soon as the fireworks really get started ... they didn't used to bother him when he was a puppy, but now he just freaks out & wants to hide =(

Stay safe, be happy =)  Thanks for reading.



  1. Oh,this came out cute,Colette! Love it! Happy 4th!

  2. Very cute! Love it! :-) I don't think I ever told, you but I absolutely love the water mani you did, using the CG Poolside collection. I think it might be one of my favs. I've seen. It's so bright and so summer.

    Happy 4th! I hope you had a good day!

    By the way, I recently started a nail blog. Would love to have you follow, if you're interested. :-)

  3. Great mani (as always!)


  4. So cute! Hope you had a happy 4th!

  5. This blue is very beuatiful & nice mani ^^


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