
Friday, June 25, 2010

NOTD: Zoya Mimi

LOL I really shouldn't be posting one of my new Zoyas before I even post the haul in its entirety ... but I haven't taken pictures of them all together yet.  I got my package Wednesday (after placing the order just Friday I'd like to add) & so did my nails that evening with Zoya Mimi - from this summer's Sparkle collection - to wear on Thursday.  This is a little  bit more red-toned IRL, but I was surprised what a decent job my camera did capturing this purple:

Such a great polish!  It's like a glass-flecked foil finish, which sounds awesome & lives up to it.  I will take pics of the rest of my Zoya haul & get those up ASAP, promise - and it's the weekend, so I have no excuse!  Well, except for 2 really good books, but I will resist them until blog-related responsibilities are cared for.  I also have a 4th of July water marble with tutorial to post up ... progress on all will depend on when exactly sleep overwhelms me.

Thanks for reading.



  1. hot damn! this is so sexi! i adore this and can't wait til i get mine :D

  2. i love mimi- I've been eyeing my bottle and can't wait to wear it :D

  3. Zoya did a great job with these huh? Can't wait to see the rest from you.

  4. Gorgeous! I'm waiting for my Zoya exchange polishes to come in as well!

  5. so beautiful! looks great on your nails!

  6. Wonderful color ^^^I know that I always say "this one is wonderful,beautiful color...." ok my vocabulary is a little poor, I must improve my english but it's true, I love this polish. I think it's normal when you are a polish addict :)


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