
Thursday, June 10, 2010

NOTD: Color Club Gossip Column + m63

I started out with Color Club Gossip Column plain for one day:

Then I did some stamping with Konad image plate m63 & China Glaze OMG. Since I have to double-stamp anyway, I used this design a little differently than normal, usually I go the long way & match up the ends but this time I stamped sideways & matched up the sides, if you know what I mean. I think it gives the swirls a much different look:

(If you want to see what direction I normally use this design, you can check out pics from last time I used it HERE)

Thanks for reading =)



  1. wow... love the color on u.. love the holo design u stamped over... ur nails are fabulous!!

  2. hi I was wondering where do they sell color club nail polishes?

    btw- your you tube videos are wonderful!

  3. Beautiful blue color! Beautiful Konad too! it is my favourite stamp, but I rarely use my Konad. I am not as skilled as you and I usually just end up ruining my mani whenever I try to stamp...

    You are such an inspiration! Love your blog!

  4. This is gorgeous - both with and without the stamp.

  5. I love the base color and I love konad design! :)

  6. Beautiful! I like how you changed the stamp direction. I have to doublestamp sometimes myself and I like this look.

  7. I really love the muted look of this colour!

  8. EVERYONE - Thanks!

    PRINCEZZJAZMIN - All of mine I've bought online, I've never seen them in a store near me.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)