
Sunday, May 23, 2010

NOTD: Milani Hi-Tech (+ M63)

This was my NOTD on Tuesday & Wednesday.  Tuesday was "plain" although I don't think a holo can ever be plain.  I do wear a topcoat with holos, just because I can be rough on my hands, it changes the texture of the holo but just  little.  This is Milani Hi-Tech:

For Wednesday I added some Konad & really liked how this turned out.  Stamping done with Color Club Black & image plate m63:

And I did a quick Polish in Motion video for this too, when I had it on plain:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!! I MUST have this polish! I will not rest until it is mine! lol

    And the Konad is AWESOME! I really like the way it looks over the holo! Especially in sunlight! Kudos! :)

  2. So beautiful! I like this Milani Hi-Tech very much because it looks good also in low light, unlike most of the holos.

  3. I love it because first it's a holo and 2nd it's green!!! The first picture really shows off the rainbow effect. Konad looks good too. I appreciate the video in motion. lol!! :)

  4. Gorgeous! (especially with konad - yes, I'm konad addict). :D

  5. Really loving it with the black 'nad. Looks amazing!

  6. I have this one, it is exceptionnal !!! On you it's wonderful and with this black design; Whaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ^^

  7. The plain polish and the konadicure, both look awesome on you!

  8. I want this holo! I love the konad you did.

  9. This looks very nice both with and without the stamp! Loved the video with the happy bird sounds in the background! Say, if you were to buy only one of those Milani holos, which one would it be? I think I want to get one. -JenB

  10. EVERYONE - Thank you!

    JENB - If I could only get one, it would have to be Hi-Res, just because it's the purple one =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)