
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tomorrow It's Supposed to Rain...

And then I should be able to get caught up LOL.  If I had a laptop, I would not be so far behind.  But 70-80+ degree weather, in Minnesota, at this time of year, has been just too hard to resist these past few days.  But I will try really hard to get the tutorial for the 2nd Easter water marble up before the weekend =)

So this won't be a totally polish-free post, I'll show you guys a new Wet 'n' Wild collection I saw at the grocery store, Tarnished:

This was perched up on top of the shelves, I almost overlooked it.  Since I've got my last few piles of hauls to show you guys, I have actually put myself on a no-buy, so I didn't get any of these.  Especially since the 2 colors I'd be most likely to get, purple & silver, were already gone.  But I haven't seen these around the blogs yet, so I thought I'd show you guys, even though they really don't look like they have a chrome finish as boasted on the bottle.

Thanks for reading.



  1. O0o0o0o0o I'll have to peek into Zellers to see if that collection is out!


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