
Sunday, April 11, 2010

NOTD: "Seaweed" Water Marble + Tutorial

This was originally going to be blue & gold with Orly Luxe, but the colors just weren't cooperating for me so I opened one of my untried shoe boxes & came up with a green.  The final result ended up reminding me of like seaweed or kelp.  I used Icing 7th Inning Streth & Jens Pick for this Water Marble:

Here's the tutorial:

I didn't get as much done this weekend as I planned, but I am at least back up to date with my NOTDs.  Thanks for reading.



  1. wow, those are stunning. the water marbling came out expertly well this time. :)

  2. I have no word for this marble ....I'm in love with this....Too extraordinary !! congratulations ..

  3. Your water marble manis are awesome!

  4. Fantastic job! It's beautiful.

  5. Your marble is perfect as always. I love that color combo ^^

  6. one of the prettiest marble nails! perfect i like it!

  7. You are killing me!! I don't think I've commented before on your marbling, but I just have to say I am in such awe. You continue to blow me away, every time! This one is no exception. I'm so inspired that I am for sure going to try water marbling some day soon, because of you!! Thanks so much and keep it up!! :)

  8. beautiful, that water marble mani is awesome!

  9. Amazing! This reminds me of a peacock tail in a glorious way. Such a work of art!

  10. Love it! I have to agree with Doo when I saw it my first thought was of a peacock..Beautiful....I envy your marbling skills!

  11. I am stunned, your water marbling are amazing!! I thought about a peacock too!!
    BTW I mentioned your blog here (thanks to your tutorial I learned how to silk-wrap my nails and my thumbs nails are finally growing!)

  12. EVERYONE - Thank you all =)

    SMALTY - I am sooo late, but thanks so much, I'll check it out.

  13. i'd love to try that . Very pretty

  14. can you use a tooth pick instead of that stick thing i don't have 1 and i really want 2 do these nails soo pretty also can you do them on your real fingernails i have a trip to georgia in a few days i really need this design on my nails! thanks!

  15. ps reply to my site its at the page CHATcoaster click on 1 comment oor what ever and you can post something! thx!

  16. i love it its so beautiful

  17. hey Colette i have been trying the marbling thing out but i seem to get water bubbles alot is there a good way to prevent this?? also my colors seem really dull is it the white i use?? thanks Tina

    p.s ur designs are the best out there

  18. JESUSNSARA - My 3 main tips to prevent bubbles would be: make sure there are none in the polish before you dip you nail (you can pop those), dip in & out slowly, and make sure to get rid of any water drops on your nail - if they won't drip off, you can use the corner of a paper towel to absorb them.

    If the colors are dull it might be your base if it is not a completely opaque white, or might just be the colors themselves.

  19. Thanks so much Colette i am practicing my butt off to get it 100 % right!! thanks for all the great advice and tutorials

  20. JESUSNSARA - Practice makes perfect =) Feel free to ask if you have any other questions, sometimes I get really behind but I always try to go back & answer every one.

  21. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love your choice of colors and the flower design you did!

  22. when i use the different brand of polish, colors seem not spread well...what shall i do???
    I use metallic gold (Luke) from orly and red (Big apple red) OPI.



  23. hey i jst loveeee u fr makn ds blog...n uploadn such awsm videos.........
    u made nail art so easy n cheap!!!!!!!
    ur designs n colr scheme is jst aweeesssoome!!!!!
    love u gal!
    prachi! :)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)