
Friday, April 2, 2010

NOTD: Orly Rage

OK, one more before I go to bed.  I thought I could last longer than this but I'm exhausted ... long week. 
Usually I'm loathe to post my NOTDs out of order, mainly to avoid confusing myself LOL, but these nails only had pics to edit, and the other had both pics & video, which I'm a tad too tired to tangle with ... although apparently awake enough to alliterate XD

This has been just ridiculously, borderline distracting-bright on my nails today.  I can't wait to try the other 2 colors; from Orly's Foil FX collection, this is Rage:

I don't know how it's that shiny & still has a textural look, but still a smooth finish ... nail polish is just magical like that sometimes =)  Thanks for reading.



  1. Whoa love the shine, it's hot! Magical indeed :-)

  2. This is gorgeous on you! Love it :)

  3. Sexy nails, Colette! :D
    I was reluctant to pick those polishes because I was afraid it wouldn't be smooth. The look so textured. But if you say it's smooth then let's go! Thank you for the info! :)

  4. I love it, and on your long nails it's gorgeous!

  5. I love the FX colors, they look gorgeous on your longer nails.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)