
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Guest NOTD: Zoya Midori

So, aside from posting my hauls, I know I've been a bit AWOL, but I'm hoping to get back on track.  I got my taxes done, which is a huge weight off my mind.  Anyway, going to play a bit of catchup, get the posts out of the way & then move on to comments.

This was Mom's mani for St. Patrick's Day, Zoya Midori:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. Lovely. I've been lemming this one a while. I felt bad that I didn't wear green on St Paddys.

  2. CHICKY - Thanks - Although of course you never really need an excuse to wear green, at least I don't =)

  3. Wearing Midori now, and it's winter! LOVE IT TOO MUCH!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)