
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Guest NOTD: SH Haute Chocolate

I don't remember if I posted when I bought this polish, it was just a few weeks ago, on clearance at Target.  Mom is so funny when she comes to get polish, she'll leave with usually at least 5 bottles & half the time comes back to the color she was looking at first LOL.  That was the case with this color, she asked for brown & this was the first thing I handed her because it was already out.

Anyway, from the Sally Hanson Salon line, here is Haute Chocolate:

Thanks for reading.



  1. That is a beautiful color on you!

  2. I agree with gildedangel; really beautiful color. :)

  3. GILDEDANGEL, TASSA, LILY NAIL - Thank you all =)

  4. I tagged you for Best Blog Award...I tried to make sure you werent already tagged for this award.

    check it out here:

  5. POLISH & KONAD - Thanks! I'll check it out =)


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