
Friday, February 5, 2010

Go Red For Women

I meant to post this last night & didn't have time, so just a quick reminder (since I'm at work ... shhhh!) that today is National Wear Red Day in support of heart disease awareness & Go Red For Women.  Since I am at work I don't have too much time to talk about it so please check out the links above if you are interested to learn more.  I am supporting the cause with red nails (ChG Thunderbird if you're curious - pics to come later of course) & I'm also rocking my red boots =) 
Are you wearing red today?  I'm hoping to see lots of participation around the blogosphere =)
Thanks for reading.


  1. i nominated you for a blog award :D

  2. YARDSTICKS - Glad you participated! =)

    ANGIE - Oh, I'm sooo late, but thank you so much! I'll have to check it out =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)