
Monday, December 14, 2009

NOTD: Christmas Trees + Tutorial

This turned out a little sloppier than I expected, but still a fun little design for the holidays. I wish I'd done the ornaments a little smaller ... I think say that every time I do dots LOL, when am I going to learn my lesson?

But I've gotten a lot of compliments the past couple days wearing this so maybe I am being too self-critical again.

I used OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees Suede as the base color, the tree is done with Sally Hansen Emerald City, and the ornaments are done with OPI Dreaming of Red & Dazzled by Gold. Originally I was going to leave this mani with no topcoat, but then I changed my mind, so the first couple pics are comparison shots for you - index & middle no topcoat, ring & pinky with topcoat:

My hands kind of look like they're floating or photoshopped in on the picture with the snow background. Kind of weird but I think I like it ... I should give my mom credit because she is the one behind the camera when both my hands are in the shot =)

Here is the tutorial:

I so far always have had more things to say after the tutorial, so I'm glad I have my blog to ramble on after the fact LOL. I suppose I could write myself a script, but how exactly as I supposed to read that while I'm looking at my nails? I usually just jot a few thoughts & key points down, like the correct names for all the polishes, and fly by the seat of my pants =) It's getting a little less nerve-wracking, but I still get a little nervous feeling hoping I won't verbally stumble around too much or totally screw up the mani LOL.

Thanks for reading.



  1. nice tutorial! please visit my blog for a jewelry giveaway.

  2. I haven't watched the tutorial yet but I love the design. Very cute Christmas tree. Adorable. I always made my Christmas balls too big when I painted them on paper. I used to paint Christmas designs on our bay windows when I lived at home. I used to whip Ivory Snow Flakes and then paint scenes on the windows. It was such fun.

  3. That is such a cute design, and I love the tutorial!

  4. wow so cool.. i would love to try this out

  5. Awesome tutorial! I would be way to nervous to do my nails on video I think! Plus I always hate the way I sound too, lol. You did a fabulous job though, BRAVO girl!

  6. I have to try this!!! can I? :)


    LUCY - Thanks =)

    GILDEDANGEL - Thanks =)

    BROOKE - Thank you =)

    THRISZHA - I hope you do!

    BROOKE - Thank you =) I am always nervous, and I HATE editing afterwards & listening to myself LOL.

    AIRE - Go for it!

  8. I loooove this design!!! I have Konad's stamping plate but the tree is so tiny that this is much more what I would prefer. Great job!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)