
Sunday, December 20, 2009

NOTD: Avon Golden Twilight

This is one of the colors that my hair stylist picked up for me. I wore it on Wednesday since I had an appointment so that he could see it. I was a little disappointed that the golden sparkle didn't show up as much on the nail as it does in the bottle, but I still like this color, vampy colors appeal to me on my nails =) This is Avon Golden Twilight:

Thanks for reading.



  1. Ooo, this color is very pretty!

  2. I have this but i just haven't thrown it on.

    You are so nice, wearing it so your stylist can see. I'm so bad at remembering that stuff.

  3. Very pretty on you. I almost caved in and ordered Avon online. I had a huge order done and then jjust didn't press enter to continue my finished order.

  4. This is perfect with your skin tone! Michelle

  5. GILDEDANGEL - Thanks =)

    ANTONEA - I actually came really close to forgetting LOL, I remembered at the last minute!

    LUCY - It's so easy to fill up the shopping cart online - good job holding out =)

    MICHELLE - Thank you =)

  6. I am so getting this one, it's a beautiful color


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