
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dollar Tree HAULS!

What could possibly be inside of all these bags? Hmmmm:

Oh, yes - POLISH. LOTS of POLISH. The reason why HAULS had to be capitalized in the title LOL. And I'm blaming Brooke for telling me word around the blogs was that Dollar Trees had (finally) restocked on polish. "Oh, well," I thought, "I'll just check out the 1 ... or 2 ..."

Yeah, try FIVE LOL. & yes, I indulged quite a bit, but there were still a lot of colors I wasn't interested in. And so cheap, why resist? Pics are not the best, I went through pretty quickly since there ended up to be so much... & I am postponing NOTD pics in order to put these up, because I think these are more interesting LOL.

I'm not going to go in the order I shopped, I'm going to go from worst to best. Worst was DT #3, which is right near the library - I walked out of that one without any polish at all. Next-worse was DT #5, my last stop - they had a decent selection, but mostly what I'd already seen, with one exception - Maybelline Two Timer Stars:

Next is DT #2, which had a lot of colors but mostly a lot of orangey-reds & pinks that I wasn't tempted by at all. I did find 3 to take home with me:

Sally Hansen: Mauve Lame` Frost, Rasp-Berry, Cognac Creme

Second-best haul came from DT #1, which is like a block from my job. I'd actually been feeling sick a lot of the day, too nauseous to even eat my oatmeal for breakfast, so I wasn't exactly eager to shop but I figured it wouldn't take long to check. Thank goodness I did. A ton of these I'd never even head of before:

Maybelline: Khaki Fringe, Gold Aluminum, Silver Aluminum, Blue Aluminum, Violet Aluminum:

Plum Aluminum, Purple Comet, Brassy, Dee-Wine, Plushed Plum:

New Year's Blues, Blue Chill, Matte Grey:

Now, you may be wondering how that haul came in 2nd place. Well, that's because DT #4, down the strip mall from Sally's, was the real gold mine. I've never spent so much - time or money LOL - in a dollar store.

The thing that sucked - at all the stores - is that they had a boatload of Plushed Plum, and it was all shelved in the front - with the more unique colors that they only had a couple of at the very back of the hanging row. Bastards. But I can be very diligent for polish, I just dive in & start moving stuff around to get what I want. I had to get an employee to go get me a basket to carry all of this:

Maybelline: Blackened Bronze, Blackened Teal, Blackened Maroon:

Purple Rage, Red Aluminum, Bronze Beam, Tassled Taupe:

Matte Blue, Matte Sapphire, Matte Grape, Matte Brownie:

Matte Rose, Matte Stone, Matte Galaxy, Matte Olive:

Sally Hansen (which was a task all it's own, since a lot of these have their names on the back & so not visible in the packaging ... I had to just eyeball them to compare colors) Make-a-Mint Frost, Money Bags Frost, Blue Chip Frost, Brocade Frost:

Burnished Frost, Nutmeg Frost, Glitz Frost, Rhinestone Frost, Elegant Frost:

Exquisite Frost, Rich Frost, Posh Frost, Violet Freeze Frost, Opulent Frost:

Cobalt Frost, Embellish Frost, Bold Frost, Mesmerizing Frost, Baroque Frost:

Edgy Creme, Racy Creme, Vintage Frost, Tough Frost, Divine Frost:

All of this - and I also have a Zoya order in the mail, AND a package from Transdesign. Ummmm. Extremely belated birthday? Very early Christmas? Either way, I think it's time for a no-buy. Not for monetary reasons - every one of these was only a dollar remember. A DOLLAR! But I've got plenty to keep me busy ... well, actually I had plenty to keep me busy before all of this - and to be honest there aren't a lot of colors tempting me from the 2010 collections I've seen promo pics for.

On a final stash-related note, I really am going to try & get my butt in gear & put my spreadsheet on Google Docs by year-end. I've had the thought in my head for a while & today saw Perrypie's list & thought I should get more a move on in that direction.

Anyway, long post I know, but thanks for reading as always =)



  1. Aaaaaaaaa... Why don't we have Dollar Trees??? I love Matte Maybellines. Great haul!

  2. Super-duper haul! - I'm in awe and also wish we had Dollar Tree's here in the UK, although they'd be Pound Tree's right?! We do have pound shops but they don't tend to have much polish. I found some L.A. Colours in one, but when I went back for more they'd closed down :-(

  3. Wow, what a great haul! Can 't spend money....must avoid dollar tree!

  4. wow, you've get lot of polish in a time...
    but it's really great.. waiting for your swatches soon ^^

  5. WOW!! what a haul! you really scored - I can't believe you found so many $1 polishes. Even though I also have a Zoya order and a Trans shipment coming, I NEED to go to the dollar store this weekend now! Can't wait to see some swatches :)


    Wow you did make quite the haul! I love all those blackened Maybelline ones! I haven't had that kind of luck at any of my DT's. There is a big one that I am going to try to hit up at lunch today.

    Good job though!!

  7. Wow and I thought I went nuts with my $25 worth at DT the other day. I made a squealing noise and bought ALL the Matte Olive and Khaki Fringes and nail stripers and a few others. My boyfriend and the lady at the cash register both looked at me like I had lost my mind. But I'm going to 2 more today after work :P

  8. omg! Not only do i still need to check Ross I have to check my DTs now too lol. Wow awesome haul, I am so jealous of all those sparklies!

  9. Thanks to this post, I just went out to my local Dollar Tree and spent way too much on polish! Now I need to scoot over to the DT on the other side of town right after work...

  10. O-M-G! This has to be the most amazing haul I've seen, oh how I wish we had cool mabelline shades like those here (how come we only get the boring pinks and reds anyway? that's not fair!) and I'm not even mentioning Sally Hansen which we don't have at all.
    Excuse me now, I have to go get some paper towels to wipe the drool off my keyboard...

  11. of COURSE I HADDD to go to see for myself... I only bought 5 because I just bought 2 bb coutures and the buy 3 get 6 free zoyas on black friday, so I'm pretty sure I have way too much polish, but how could I resist?! Thanks for the tip!

  12. Can you ship a Dollar Tree to Canada, lol? I'd haul them all if I have the store here. Love them, especially the matte ones. Please do a swatch when you can!

  13. Wow... polish porn? Um anyways <.< Oddly enough I put on Sally Hansen Antique Frost last night. It's a rosey copper, kind of like a shiny new penny lol. I had also picked up one called Applause which is a freaking fantastic shimmery sparkly purple.

  14. MAESTRA - Thanks =)

    CALI369 - Thanks =)

    GILDEDANGEL - LOL, that's what I'm telling myself now, knowing there are stores I haven't hit yet.

    KATHY - I don't know how long it will take to wade through these, but I've already started =)

    BROOKE - I've never had such good luck at any Dollar Tree, let alone several =)

    DEEZ - LOL =)

    BROOKE - Thanks & thanks for the initail heads up! =D

    RACHEL - LOL I know what you mean, the cashier asked if they were all for me =)

    KAE - I've heard so many good stories about Ross, but we don't have them up here =( (I'm assuming it's a Walgreens-type store?)

    T-REX - It's pointless to resist when it's so cheap! =)


    ARIE - Thanks =)

    KELSEALAUREL - Too much polish?! No such thing =)

    HALIFAX - I'll get through them as quick as possible, although my mom might get to the mattes before me =)

    BLUEYEZ - LMAO polish porn!

  15. My girlfriend went to two Dollar Stores and zilch! After reading all of the hauls on several blogs I thoughts I would do good. Nothing! You had amazing hauls. Congrats.

  16. LUCY - They are so hit & miss, but when you get a good one it's a huge reward =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)