
Monday, November 30, 2009

Product Review: Skin MD Natural - Shielding Lotion

I was recently contacted by Skin MD Natural & asked if I would like a free sample of their product for review. Well, you guys know I certainly can't pass up an offer like that! (If it's something I'm actually interested in & blogging about. Stupid semi-hassling product reps for things that have never been so much as mentioned on this blog, you know who you are.)

I received the lotion in the mail last week, and have been using it since. It's not just your normal lotion, it's a new "shielding" lotion - so, in layman's terms, what this lotion does is not only moisturize, but trap the moisture into your skin so it doesn't get dry again so quickly. In more technical terms, and to quote from the Skin MD Natural website:

"A shielding lotion does much more than just treat dry skin – it’s a new kind of skin care product that makes a real difference to all skin types.

Skin MD Natural™ utilizes the finest effective natural ingredients for dry skin treatment along with the latest advances in technology to hydrate and protect the skin.

This is an entirely new concept in skin care requiring a new classification: "Shielding Lotion". A shielding lotion keeps moisture-robbing irritants away from the skin while the proprietary "super" humectants hydrate the skin throughout the day.

Skin MD Natural™ is promptly absorbed, without the slightest hint of any greasy or oily feeling or residue, transforming the outer layer of skin into a hydrating invisible shield.

Glycerin has been the standard against which all humectants are measured. Until now no other humectant drew in as much moisture from the air as glycerin. But the proprietary formulation in Skin MD Natural has a moisturizing factor of at least 6 times greater than glycerin. Combined with its protective properties and natural ingredients, this makes Skin MD Natural a truly unique product.

An accumulated effect of Skin MD Natural is fully realized after only a few days of daily use. Depending on how dry your skin is the first few days may require reapplications after only a few hours. Usually, after a few days of continuous use, only one or two daily applications are necessary to see the improvement."

Now, I don't consider myself to have horribly dry skin, so I didn't get the drastic results that can be seen in some of the dramatic before & after pictures on their site. But overall I did like this lotion, it definitely kept my hands from feeling chapped or dry all day long, and lived up to the claims that it absorbed quickly with no residue.

The only thing I didn't like was the scent - although since the lotion is absorbed so quickly, it doesn't smell for long. My mom identified it as lanolin - it reminds me of baby wipes =( It's faint, but I have a sensitive nose. For me, particularly, a scent that I don't like is a deal-breaker.

The last thing that may be considered a downside is the price - on their website for a hefty (to me) $18 for a 4 oz. bottle. It looks like it's also available in many stores and pharmacies, and I'm assuming the price there would be comparable, although you'd be able to avoid shipping charges.

Overall, while I liked this product, I don't think I'd pay the price to continue using it. For now at least, my skin is healthy enough to get by with "normal" (& normally priced) lotion. However, after reading some of the reviews on their site, I think I will give the remainder of the bottle to my mom to try, since she suffers from Rosacea & there was testimonial that it really helped with that condition. If I have time & remember to do so, I may post a follow-up with her results.

Have any of you had experience with this product? Feel free to add your 2 cents in the comments =) Thanks for reading.



  1. I'm very fussy about creams personally. I hate the greasy feeling most leave behind. Even when they claim to not do that I can still usually tell. When my hands get dry my HG is Vaseline Healthy Hand & Nail cream (in the pink container).

  2. BLUEYEZ - I think hand creams in particular are very personal, it's like everyone's skin reacts a little differently


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