
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NOTD: Nubar Iced Licorice

So, this is the NOTD that I neglected to post yesterday. Chocaddict over at Mon coin a Moua got some Nubars the other day & reminded me that I have quite a few in my unworn pile, including this one, Iced Licorice, which I believe was part of their Sweet Nothings collection. In the bottle this looks kind of glittery, on the nail it is actually more of a textural duo-chrome, going between purple & kind of bronze-y. I tried me best to capture in pics, please do be sure to click to enlarge & really see the depth on these:

Going to try & throw up what was today's NOTD too before I go to bed. Thanks for reading.



  1. That is a really pretty color, I love how rich it is when you look close!

  2. This is so beautiful! Shocking news about Siobhan ending her blog, huh? I always use the link on her site to get here. Michelle

  3. GILDEDANGEL - Thanks =)

    MICHELLE - I couldn't believe it, she was honestly the reason I started blogging


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