
Monday, November 16, 2009

NOTD: Nubar Cotton Candy + Matte Magic

Just a quick post, but I wanted to get these pics up of Nubar Cotton Candy Matte-ified with China Glaze Matte Magic:

A very lovely matte, which are words I never expected to say LOL. I guess I can no longer claim to dislike mattes =) The matte almost seems to make this more duo-chromey than it is when it's glossy. Thanks for reading.



  1. It's not overly matte, which is cool. A little shimmer is nice!

    Now I need to try out *my* matte topcoat.

  2. Very pretty, almost looks sea-foamy. I think I like it matte too, and I had to quit claiming I don't like matte anymore either, lol!!

  3. GILDEDANGEL - Thanks =)

    SHAYLA - Exactly, it still catches the light, it's just not shiny =)

    BROOKE - It's hard to admit defeat - but worth it to wear colors like this =)

  4. Love that shade of polish on you. Seafoam is a great way to describe it. First Brooke and now you have to admit to defeat!

  5. LUCY - it wasn't easy to admit defeat LOL =)

  6. I am getting a matte top coat soon and can not wait to try this


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